
Headline Nov 03,2012/


At the very outset, a respectful dedication to all the Leaders of the world, scientists and philosophers!

I say this from my very heart, because in the years ahead, we face some of the greatest pressing challenges mankind has ever known: Terrorism, ageing populations, climate change, and the need for renewable energy.

Science is the only answer. Science can save us! But that will require passion as much as brainpower, a real desire to make a difference.

Working in science is all about being comfortable with operating at the edge of knowledge; of noticing things that haven't been noticed before, and asking ''why?'' and ''how did that happen?'' and then dedicating your life to finding out. It's also exciting and wonderfully unpredictable! Just like, ''The World Student Society Of Computers-Internet-Wireless,'' -!WOW!-

The World needs 'Students' full blooded participation, right now which is why I am so keen to see a true blossom of trained scientists, mathematicians, engineers, marketeers, who previously may have sought to join up financial services or the service opportunities. All great students need to look again at other career possibilities in Science. We need more thinkers with the intriguing combination of Vulcan and human qualities, in our classrooms, our laboratories, our Board Rooms.

Let me quote to you, from your fear of Needles and Injections: Powderject, was the first advance engineering company in the world responsible for for the world's first technique for injecting medicine as 'fine particles', dispensing with with the requirement for needles.

The technology now, has infinite potential to enable a new generation of DNA vaccines. Remarkable! And it's not so many parsecs away from that hypospray, the one that Bones up.

It is quiet remarkable to reflect on the extent to which science and technology have caught up with Fiction and imagination.

For Phasers we now have laser guns. For handheld communicators and tiny earpieces, think Mobile Phones and Blue Tooth. Now hear and understand this:

At the more Speculative, and Theoretical end of science spectrum a few scientists have suggested that ''one can theoretically travel faster than the speed of light --without breaking the Laws of Physics!!

And we have already achieved ''Teleportation'' -of a single Photon, at least!!

The basic question now is, the mirror of real life-sciences. The raw emotion of all things emotional versus the Cold Logic of Science solutions. The Human race must survive in every Glory!

Many thanks to !WOW! as the super post continues into four more parts.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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