
Headline Nov30,2012/Cat's Eye!


Bono,  - Yes, Bono - at his very best!  The bald guy raps on. Listening to Lammy taught me something very special about life, and this is ''What, me worry?'' Yes, that's a beautiful, beautiful sentiment. I have attempted to convey this in the lyrics of my song, ''Get Your Ass Off, and Rock This Joint, Baby!''

You learn a a lot about life from all sorts of different human beings. Put it this way, when I was talking to Lammy, there was a knock on the door the other day and who should it be but the lovely, Ben, an early U2 Fan who's truly doing a great job as Pope. So we were rapping on when there was another knock at the door.
''Kofi,'' I said, ''Come in, my old mate! And would you be knowing Ben, here, who's the Pope?''

Two minutes later, who should walk in but this beautiful guy with a truly great sense of humor called Geroge W Bush, says he has a bit of time to spare, thought he'd just hang loose and generally chill for a while. You know, it's easy to underestimate W., but the guy rocks. At heart, he's just a cool cat, just like my main man, Jesse Helms.

So we get to talking about the God and the Bible and everything. I say i always thought God must be a bit like Johnny Cash, but may be not so old. ''Johnny Cash,'' says Pope Benedict, excitedly. ''I am the guy's greatest Fan!''

Listening to those wise men -Pope Ben and Kofi and W. and Lammy  -rapping on, a pearly of wisdom descended upon me and made me feel very very humbled. Two and Two, I thought,  don't make three. Two and Two make Four. And with that I felt at Peace.Tomorrow, I will Txt our Business Manager, Spam, to pass on the good news, but not until I have a put a call through to the Queen, to let her know, too.

I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I love money, but don't get me wrong -I don't love money for what it is: I love it for what it can buy. To wholly involve yourself with this world  -this so beautiful world-  I believe you have moral duty to the Universe to ensure your income Off capital remains as tax-efficient as possible by retaining your disposable assets in earner-friendly offshore holdings!

I was very humbled when my accountant, Skunk, explained the inner wisdom of transferring the heart of my fiscal operations to the Netherlands.
Tax avoidance has a strong spiritual dimension, a dimension of such  joy that it could bring a Tear to the eye of an Orphan Child. As usual, my good mate the Dalai Lama put it in a nutshell.
But mine wouldn't fit in a nutshell so instead I have put it in a portfolio of global investments!

Hahaha! This brilliant conversation could only come from Bono.This is wear transcendent greatness, narrative, come together and then part with the choreographed movements of dance, the rhythm of music, and the lyricism of poetry.Hope you love it as much as I did! The post continues. Bono at its very very best mad work!! Hahaha! This post continues!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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