Marx and Engels are one of those double acts in which one partner almost entirely overshadows the other.In this post,however, I return to History and accord Engels his rightful place.
Engels and Marx met properly in Paris 1844 and began their 40 year collaboration. They spent the late 1840s in a froth of revolutionary excitement running a newspaper in Cologne, where Engels attended the newly named Communist League -and he produced its ''statement of beliefs'', which ultimately became the Communist Manifesto.
By 1848s Revolutions were spreading across Europe and yet, in 1849, Engels and Marx retreated in exile to England. Engels went back to work in Manchester and funded Marx and his family in London. He could afford it: Engels made £1000 a year from the company at a time when senior civil servants and barristers could expect between £250 and £350 a year. Despite the enduring belief that Marx lived in poverty, his to total was income was more than £200 -but he was hopeless with money, moving to bigger houses, sending his children to expensive schools and running up debts.
Engels, forever bailing him out, was known by Marx as ''Mr Chitty''.
Marx was supported by Engels for more than 20 years while Marx wrote ''Das Capital''. And Engels did not return to writing until he had retired, when he produced the hugely influential article ''Anti-Duhring'', later edited and published as ''Socialism: Utopian And Scientific'', and the posthumously published Dialectics Of Nature.
Engels was born into a bourgeois family in Prussia in 1820, when the German intellectual climate of the time: romanticism, rigorous Biblical scholarship and the dominance of the idealistic philosophy of Hegel reigned supreme. All of this Engels encountered in the lectures at the University of Berlin.
Both Marx and Engels first experienced the ill effects of global capitalism as they watched the Rhineland Textile Industry losing out to Britain in the 1830s.
Their views were strengthened when they saw the horror of Industrial Manchester in early 1840s. Engels then wrote the most brilliant piece of observational journalism: The Condition Of The Working Class in England.
And yet, both these great thinkers produced theories that prefigure much that is now considered purely Marxist, including class division, the unstable nature of Industrial Capitalism and the inevitability of Socialist Revolution.
So, the truth is that at the heart of their thinking was the ever elusive objective of: ''Dignity Of Man!''
Good Night & God Bless!
Marx and Engels are one of those double acts in which one partner almost entirely overshadows the other.In this post,however, I return to History and accord Engels his rightful place.
Engels and Marx met properly in Paris 1844 and began their 40 year collaboration. They spent the late 1840s in a froth of revolutionary excitement running a newspaper in Cologne, where Engels attended the newly named Communist League -and he produced its ''statement of beliefs'', which ultimately became the Communist Manifesto.
By 1848s Revolutions were spreading across Europe and yet, in 1849, Engels and Marx retreated in exile to England. Engels went back to work in Manchester and funded Marx and his family in London. He could afford it: Engels made £1000 a year from the company at a time when senior civil servants and barristers could expect between £250 and £350 a year. Despite the enduring belief that Marx lived in poverty, his to total was income was more than £200 -but he was hopeless with money, moving to bigger houses, sending his children to expensive schools and running up debts.
Engels, forever bailing him out, was known by Marx as ''Mr Chitty''.
Marx was supported by Engels for more than 20 years while Marx wrote ''Das Capital''. And Engels did not return to writing until he had retired, when he produced the hugely influential article ''Anti-Duhring'', later edited and published as ''Socialism: Utopian And Scientific'', and the posthumously published Dialectics Of Nature.
Engels was born into a bourgeois family in Prussia in 1820, when the German intellectual climate of the time: romanticism, rigorous Biblical scholarship and the dominance of the idealistic philosophy of Hegel reigned supreme. All of this Engels encountered in the lectures at the University of Berlin.
Both Marx and Engels first experienced the ill effects of global capitalism as they watched the Rhineland Textile Industry losing out to Britain in the 1830s.
Their views were strengthened when they saw the horror of Industrial Manchester in early 1840s. Engels then wrote the most brilliant piece of observational journalism: The Condition Of The Working Class in England.
And yet, both these great thinkers produced theories that prefigure much that is now considered purely Marxist, including class division, the unstable nature of Industrial Capitalism and the inevitability of Socialist Revolution.
So, the truth is that at the heart of their thinking was the ever elusive objective of: ''Dignity Of Man!''
Good Night & God Bless!
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