Dee loves these green salads. And it was she who got many of the students to Turn over a new leaf. Rabo latched on and I often found her brandishing the word salad with a rare twinkle in her eye.
I too became a convert of a sort at least to the point of researching.
Sitting down to write about salads, my first thought was that so many different things are called salad these days -from ceviches of raw fish to warm meat-heavy creations with only token leafage -that it's become a difficult word to define.
The Oxford English Dictionary's definition of a salad is a ''cold dish of herbs or vegetables, e.g lettuce,endive, usually uncooked and chopped up or sliced, to which is often added sliced hard-boiled egg, cold-meat, fish, etc, the whole being seasoned with salt, pepper, oil and vinegar.It's an old word, with the first usuage being recorded in 1481. Most of us have eaten knackered salads that feel as if they have been sitting around since roughly then.
This is a very important post and I mention all this because all Students should be cooking and eating salad right now. There is not a better time of the year for it: leaves and fruit and vegs are in their abundant prime. It's when the weather is warm, or even theoretically should be warm, that you must feel like eating non-warm food. But remember, never buy any ''bagged salads''. They are all produced in an ecologically unfriendly way, especially out of season. They use a technology called ''modified atmosphere packing,'' in which the level of oxygen is reduced to 3% to stop them from going off and discolouring. Felicity Lawrence wrote a great book, Not On The Label.
Another thing: salad has more of an association with food poisoing than one might intuitively expect. In France, for instance, pregnant women are warned off salads, -fiercely and repeatedly warned off it! There the risk is said to be Listeria, from improperly washing supermarket and restaurant salad. In every respect you are better off buying an washing your own salad leaves. Right? Right!
The second step to salad goodness is to get away from the familiar. Salads are one area of cooking and eating where it's easy to fall into a routine that you particularly enjoy.
Is that it's easy to have a huge impact on your salad cooking for very little effort, and also with very very little risk, since it's very hard to ruin a salad irretrievably. You cannot burn them or have them go off or fail to set or need an extra hour in the oven.
Roquefort or stilton,cobb lettuce walnuts, Caeser salad with Worcester sauce, Parmesan in dressing or just on leaves, romaine lettuce only, or other leaves allowed olive oil or more natural oil, garlic or no garlic. A simple salad of leaves, but with a different oil or vinegar: walnut oil, say, or hazelnut vinegar. All so lovely, wholesome and mouthwatering!! Hahaha!
Good Night & God Bless!
Dee loves these green salads. And it was she who got many of the students to Turn over a new leaf. Rabo latched on and I often found her brandishing the word salad with a rare twinkle in her eye.
I too became a convert of a sort at least to the point of researching.
Sitting down to write about salads, my first thought was that so many different things are called salad these days -from ceviches of raw fish to warm meat-heavy creations with only token leafage -that it's become a difficult word to define.
The Oxford English Dictionary's definition of a salad is a ''cold dish of herbs or vegetables, e.g lettuce,endive, usually uncooked and chopped up or sliced, to which is often added sliced hard-boiled egg, cold-meat, fish, etc, the whole being seasoned with salt, pepper, oil and vinegar.It's an old word, with the first usuage being recorded in 1481. Most of us have eaten knackered salads that feel as if they have been sitting around since roughly then.
This is a very important post and I mention all this because all Students should be cooking and eating salad right now. There is not a better time of the year for it: leaves and fruit and vegs are in their abundant prime. It's when the weather is warm, or even theoretically should be warm, that you must feel like eating non-warm food. But remember, never buy any ''bagged salads''. They are all produced in an ecologically unfriendly way, especially out of season. They use a technology called ''modified atmosphere packing,'' in which the level of oxygen is reduced to 3% to stop them from going off and discolouring. Felicity Lawrence wrote a great book, Not On The Label.
Another thing: salad has more of an association with food poisoing than one might intuitively expect. In France, for instance, pregnant women are warned off salads, -fiercely and repeatedly warned off it! There the risk is said to be Listeria, from improperly washing supermarket and restaurant salad. In every respect you are better off buying an washing your own salad leaves. Right? Right!
The second step to salad goodness is to get away from the familiar. Salads are one area of cooking and eating where it's easy to fall into a routine that you particularly enjoy.
Is that it's easy to have a huge impact on your salad cooking for very little effort, and also with very very little risk, since it's very hard to ruin a salad irretrievably. You cannot burn them or have them go off or fail to set or need an extra hour in the oven.
Roquefort or stilton,cobb lettuce walnuts, Caeser salad with Worcester sauce, Parmesan in dressing or just on leaves, romaine lettuce only, or other leaves allowed olive oil or more natural oil, garlic or no garlic. A simple salad of leaves, but with a different oil or vinegar: walnut oil, say, or hazelnut vinegar. All so lovely, wholesome and mouthwatering!! Hahaha!
Good Night & God Bless!
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