
Headline November6,2012


Look where you may. Violence reigns supreme!!

Peckinpah was damn right. Said he: ''violence is a deep love, that proves more powerful than the lure of money, of woman and of all other passions.'' So it is time that we ask ourselves, what exactly is violence?

Human violence demands the pain of its victim -even if the victim is oneself, or imaginary, -or an anthropomorphised inanimate object. Violence is the desire to inflict suffering. By this definition we not only encompass the psychological, documentary and fictional manifestations of violence that cause so much confusion, but we are forced to accept -to the sound of high horses throwing their riders- that we are all at times guilty!! 100%.

Mankind appears to be deeply sadomaschistic. Sarte was very clear. He told us that if we do not face up to this human dilemma -''the desire to dominate others''- whilst being exposed to their attempts to dominate us- then a situation of either 'false caring' or ''indifference'' will result.

To me that pretty well describes where we are at the moment, especially on the issue of violence, which is the physical representation of that dilemma.

Do we really care about all those Bosnians, Iraqis and Afghans? Or the Malala's of the world? In your innermost heart? Send a few of unwanted everything; but no Guns.

Because physical violence is easily identified it claims most of our attention but it is only a threshold on a emotional continuum and in itself it means a little. Anyone who has banged a table in frustration has crossed the threshold. Few men would disagree that there are times in a relationship when a bang on the head with a saucepan would be preferable to hours of gruelling psychic torture. No, because a Real Man never strikes a weaker in anger. Least of all a woman.

A Real Man -''a good man'' masters the violence within himself by embracing it, not by disowning it. And he accepts the terrible burden of judging when he must use it. To do that he needs to understand the joy and the intoxication as well as the horror; otherwise that intoxication will steal upon him unaware and he will commit evil.

After all only some human love violence. And I would never ever suggest that violence is the only mark of a man. I can and do imagine that if violence is handed over to the bad guys,lock, stock and barrel; if we despise our warriors and our boxers and our men of honour, we will doom others, if not ourselves, to a violence we are too cowardly to imagine.

As the Great Karate Master Terry O'Neil is fond of saying:''There are some very very bad people out there.''

He is just so right. There will always be those who are inclined to rip the scented handkerchief from my fingers, or my Cell phone, and blow my brains out! If I can't stop them myself, I shall be grateful to anyone who has the skill and courage to do it for me.

Difficult times are ahead of us. The best I can do for you is to acquaint you with Actor Michael Cain's very wise words,''Be like a Duck, Remain calm on the surface and paddle like hell underneath.''

This Post is dedicated to all the suffering in the world!

Good Night & God Bless.


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