
Headline November9,2012


Jeff Koons art is shiny, brash, genius and fun but it might make you question the sanctity of human soul? Jeff  Koons is a pair of eyes on holiday, fully alert to Art History as both delight and burden. He picks out cheap objects, shiny goofy images and slick pieces of merchandise and makes a fetish out of them; he offers them a sort of iconic seriousness which they cannot possibly bear and thus he creates images filled with irony, and, dare I say it, with unique silliness.

It is hard not to feel that one of the reasons why Koons work is so popular and so valuable is that there is something bravely juvenile about his imagination.

It is difficult to think of him as an adult. It is sad (or maybe an also uplifting and hilarious) fact about the world that we inhabit that ''the infantile and juvenile'' are more fun and somehow richer in texture than the stuff that takes time and intelligence to experience.

You can bring your inner kid to a Jeff Koons show, but the question remains what do you do with your inner self while you are looking at his work?

I blame America, but maybe that is too easy, Or I blame Andy Warhol. or I blame some postmodernist theorists, too numerous and obscure to mention. Somebody is clearly to blame for establishing the idea that icons from sports to Hollywood or cartoon shows or cheap mass-produced inflatable objects from advertising or pieces of general kitsch are worthy of close attention and even reverence.

On the other hand. there is no need to be earnest. Some of Koons images, the madder the better, give cheap pleasure. And there's nothing nicer than cheap pleasure. Some of his efforts play sexulaise and play generally with innocence are subversive and almost serious, from a strange angel; ''it really makes you wonder if humans are humans at all.'' And this seems to me to be a good thing for an artist to wonder about.

The world for Jeff Koons is the real one. The one we inhabit; it is filled with advertising, neon, trash, colour photographs, TV images, plastic objects, things waiting to be discarded.

There is no culture other than popular culture. Plastic for Koons is what trees were for Corot or skin was for Rembrandt.

Art is a sort of play. And Koons is one rare master of it. There is no getting away fro him.

Goog Night & god Bless!


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