
Races canceled as students struggle to stay in shape

The cancellation of long-distance races at university games has highlighted the issue of declining physical fitness among college students.
Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, Hubei province, canceled the women's 3,000-meter race and men's 5,000-meter race in its university games held over the weekend.
Organizers from the university's physical education department said the races were scrapped because most students lack the stamina to finish the demanding course, and ill-prepared runners may injure themselves.
Qiao Xiaoshan, a PhD candidate specializing in physical education research from Xidian University in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, said his university has not held long-distance races since 2006.
Qiao said more than 30 universities in Xi'an no longer held long-distance races because of the decline in students physical fitness, leading to concerns the students may suffer injury or even death if they took part in intense physical activity.
From 2002 to 2010 in China, more than 40 participants in long-distance running events aged 16 and over died suddenly, according to Qiao's research.
Long-distance runner Wei Xianglong said the cancellation was a "pity".
"I understand school authorities' concern because bad things may happen when runners race in severe cold when they are ill-prepared. But I hope the races will come back next year. Running helps us deal with stress," said Wei, who graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology this year.
Wei, 23, took part in 1,500-meter and 3,000-meter races in the university games over the past four years. With two other students, he co-founded a long-distance runners' association in 2011, organizing regular training and encouraging members to take part in marathons.
But many students do not have time for sports in their daily schedule, which mainly revolve around the classroom, the cafeteria and the dormitory, he said.
The problem is widespread in universities.
The remedy to these problems should be introduced early, during primary and middle school, to give more incentives for parents to take their children to sporting activities. Today, most parents are preoccupied with their children's academic grades, and have neglected to invest time and money in children's physical strength.


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