
Total blackout: Syria goes offline nationwide

A Free Syrian Army fighter aims towards Aleppo's
 historical citadel controlled by snipers loyal to
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad - Reutera

The internet in Syria has been shut off nationwide, say two US based web-monitoring companies. During the 20 months of civil uprising, Syria has gone through partial internet disruption, but a 100 per cent blackout is unprecedented.
US-based network security firm Renesys registered Syria disappearing from the internet at 12:26pm local time (10:26 GMT).
“All 84 of Syria's IP address blocks have become unreachable, effectively removing the country from the internet,” reads Renesys’ blogpost.
The same was confirmed by Akamai Technologies Inc, another US-based company that distributes content on the internet.
In the wake of the blackout, the Syrian Information Ministry blamed "terrorists" for the outage, reports pro-government Ikhbariya TV. Official news agency SANA also saw its feed interrupted at midday.

Akamai Technologies's internet traffic data shows Syria blackout line (Image from twitter.com/akamai_soti)
- Rt.com


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