Certainly Cholesterol does accumulate in the arteries over time, but this does not make it a priori cause of a heart attack. This only occurs when platelets clot together to form a sticky thrombus which blocks the arteries to the heart. Further, cholesterol plays an important precursor of the sex hormones that determine adult sexuality, as well as being the cement that binds the walls of cells together.
Thus, except for those with the genetic abnormality, fiddling with cholesterol will not necessarily reduce heart disease, and might cause unexpected and serious long-term side-affects.
Despite these reservations, cholesterol experts have been trying for over 25 years to prove that cholesterol does play a central role in heart disease. First, they set up a series of experiments to prove that heart diseases could be prevented by lowering cholesterol levels through the diet. The largest of these, Multi Risk Factor Intervention, started in the early Seventies, involving 12000 men and costing a vast $150 million.
Unfortunately, at the end of ten years of testing, those who had been encouraged to cut-down, or even virtually cut-out meat and dairy products from their diet, as well as giving up smoking and having their blood pressure treated, turned out to have exactly the same rate of heart disease as the experiment's control group.
For a time being the striking failure of this -the grandest and most expensive experiment in the history of medicine -threatened to destroy the credibility of the anti-cholesterol lobby. The results proved deeply embarrassing to the experts, but rather than question the validity of the rules on which the experiments had been based they looked elsewhere for proof.
They found an ally in the increasingly important pharmaceutical industry, which had appreciated early on the vast potential market for cholesterol-lowering drugs, -not least because, once started on medication, the patient would have to carry on taking them for life. For obvious reasons the major rug companies simply would not let the cholesterol scare die.
Ha Ha Ha!
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SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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