
Headline Dec2,2012/ Hello..Hello!


Unbeknownst to the world, it's possible that we've already made contact, of sorts, with extraterrestrials! Let me explain an delight you all! On August 15, 1977,a Radio Telescope in Ohio State University recorded a signal from the Sagittarius constellation that was so startlingly unusual that the researcher there scrawled ''WOW'' beside it on the transcript margins.It is now known as the ''wow signal'', it was only a secondary burst of unidentifiable static, but it could very well have emanated from an unknown planet and it could, maybe, have been originated from an advanced extraterrestrial civilisation.

No one, of course, cn be sure. The signal was much too brief and has never been repeated; it remains an intriguing enigma. Still, there have been other unexplained signals, over 50 in all, and one October 10, 1986, also appeared to come from Sagittarius.The possibility that there are ''Aliens'' out there and they might be attempting to make contact with us holds such fascination that NASA, since 90s is putting hundreds of millions of dollars into Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). The survey, was planned to ultimately employ nine listening sites in Australia, Europe and North Anerica. Tracking the radio channels which it was thought extraterrestrials would employ to send messages to us.

SETI was also focused on on a more targeted search of the nearest thousand sunlike stars within 80 Light years of Earth it turned out to be the most systematic attempt ever to discover if anyone or anything is trying to get in touch with us.

A message from extraterrestrials, should one be detected, most likely sound like a pure single note above the cosmic hiss -that is once it has been converted and amplified. The Scientists running SET have presumed that anyone, say, the planet orbiting star Vega, some 26 light years from Earth, who wanted to contact us woul use the quieter portions of the radio spectrum -where the din from the universe is less- and broadcast a recognisable sound on a constant wavelength, though probably pulsing On and Off.
Pulsars can be detected more readily than continuing signals.

The signal, it is also expected, would be sent out on a predictable frequency: most likely the one at which hydrogen vibrates -just over 1.4 billion cycles per second- !WOW! !WOW! -if only because it is the simplest and most abundant atom in the universe.That normally sober and conservative Scientists are thinking -about how our Vegan cousins would contact us is some indication of how seriously all this being taken and addressed.
Or perhaps it's more a reflection of our own lovely hopes.

This craving post continues and is dedicated to all Scientists and Students of the world, and !WOW!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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