
Headline December16,2012


In the developing world, I have one very strong observation to make: By and large I found the students unloved and unliked. So my advise to you all is that 'do not count' and 'do not look back'.

Maurizio Cattelan -The Provocateur- is an insane Italian genius. 'What book do you have on your bedside table?' someone once asked him,
''THE BLIND LEADING THE NAKED '' he replied. If it was him. But I hope I have summed up the general world somewhat fairly.

For Classic work like ''Game!WOW!'' the professors did start off by being irritated. But in the end none of them will be able to resist the temptation to join in. Of all the self-invented mythologies, that drove Education in the developing world, may I say it then, -folksy innocence and with an occasional dose of menace- is long since dead.And losing everything about Education was freezing in some strange way. But it was also more than melancholy and surreal.
The Old system does not work very well,if it works at all, so the professors and students have to help build a new one for themselves.

Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Bernard Henri-Levi (my guide), Michael Ignatieff -all were not for naught.For those who think that 'consciousness' has evaporated and that education has stagnated, Game!WOW! is here to bring some edge, wit, smarts,fun and humanity. George Bernard Shaw gets apt rises to my thoughts: The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. Absolutely true!!
Life is Politics. At a specific moment, we could get blessed with a political reading.

The students are growing up in a world in which splitting in all its disguises -discord, division, departure, is the default mode. All great professors that I have known, were always interested in the human potential, 'in what's average and what's extraordinary. Where is the border between the two?'' What is the role or a place of an individual within the larger context? And how much power or agency that individual has within a community or a bigger system?
Is not that the question that we all have?

Wangechi Mutu a multi-media artist, and a fearless one at that, revels in her subject with multi-perspective approach that is both reflective of her own experience and very much of our time, has these beautiful pearls of wisdom to add: ''We all live in a moment of collage, of splicing, of entering one another's space, of coexistence, and of forced coexistence.'' True and brilliant. All professors to take heed.

And, and, one module at Game!WOW! might get titled as ''Personal Survival Doom Buggy.'' Now who can ever resist that, Good Sires!

At !WOW! the students have arrived by paths that are: International, brilliant, unpredictable and deeply individual. The World Professors must reason and know how to leave behind a deeply human touch.

You all will believe me, when I say that, coming this far may be a little triumph, but You and I also understand that success in the days ahead belongs to a rarer breed: The passionate professors of the world.

I have the honour to dedicate this post to former Prime Minister of England/ Ambassador Gordon Brown at the United Nations.

Good Night & God Bless!


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