
Headline December17,2012


No words can convey our feelings. In this moment of overpowering grief we share with President Obama, and with the families of all the fallen Angels, and with the American people their deepest sorrow. May Almighty God help you all through this tragedy. Amen!
Numb with grief, I endeavor to write, to give you a historical perspective on murderers, serial killers and the mass murderers.So bear with me:

Although The modern world seems a dark and a violent place, our only daily consolation is that the vast majority of us find murder abhorrent.In classic detective fiction -which peaked between Thirties and Sixties with the books of Agatha Christie and Dorothy L Sayers -a single killing appals an English village. Many of Christie's villains are, in fact serial killers, but the subsequent murders are usually an attempt to cover up the first.

The mass murderer who appears in popular culture now -in movies such as Zodiac, Hannibal and Monster -operates quiet differently. The second murder is designed to draw attention to the first, often literally so, constructed to a police and media-teasing pattern. Zodiac, for example, mailed strange code to the local papers.

It's this element of apparent art and creativity in many serial killers that makes them so appealing to artists and even the world The template of the criminal genius -begun by Sherlock Holmes's foe Moriarty, in fiction, and Jack the Ripper in fact -is now continued in multiple-muder culture. The killer in Fincher's Se7en seems to have absorbed theology and literature to atleast PhD level, but even he could only hope to graduate in any class that included Thomas Harris's Hannibal Lecter, a man who might have claimed several Nobel Prizes.

The desire to intellectualise homicide is a frequent weakness of serial killer and entertainment. The truth -as suggested by real-death cases Jeffery Dahmer and Ted Bundy, or Aileen Wuomos, as played by Charlize Theron in Monster -is that those who repeatedly take lives are more likely to be deranged or methodical than brilliant. Creative types, though persistent in seeing the stabber, strangler or gun -man as someone who develops, scripts, executes and then checks the press reaction in much the way of, say, a novelist or film-maker.

Much of the controversy caused by killer or serial killer art result from the implied empathy.So a killer or a Serial Killer is an obsessive who encourages Obsession in others. And the Artist folks just cannot resist a Serial Killer.

In this horrible and heart and soul wrenching tragedy that Connecticut and America, and the whole world suffered, is very very unsettling coming of age. How?
You suddenly realize that there are people out there who appear on the surface to form part pf this civilized society, yet, secretly, have the desire to hunt other people, even lovely young innocent Angles.

I have the honour and the pain to dedicate this post With prayers, for the departed souls. This post and mourning continues. Do not miss the next one.

May Almighty God protect and guide you all.

 Good Night & God Bless!


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