
Headline December21,2012


Samurai Malala makes it to the cover of Time Magazine! A befitting honour for all the Samura!
Heaven knows =when was it the last time= that a Student graced such a lofty accomplishment!

Great Heroes: Fantastic images and ideas everywhere, so do not hang around, switch on your devices. zoom in on !WOW!, get a 'lock-On' and away you go.

!WOW! will carry and display more intellectual power - many many times over - than the rest of the combined world.You can get as creative as you like; as much as you want to be .Do remember that !WOW! belongs to You, to all the students of Mother Earth. Never leave home without !WOW!
So, allow me some fun: The very best way to annoy your class mates, and your school and college heads, is to join up on !WOW! Let them squirm in misery and envy and disbelief!! Hahaha!
Come then, let your hair down and join us at !WOW! The greatest living organism ever conceived for the good of global students and mankind..

Let me then get you privy to some great dark secrets about this world. The planners and the theorists of the world think that In the 21st century, winning the ''information war'' SHOULD guarantee winning the real war, too. So here, watch them practice simulations
The conflict in question is a game of laser tag -an Advanced Warfighting Experiment (AWE) called Operation Desert Hammer that's being used as training for force XXI.

The Republic of Krasnovia, a fictional name and country will play the opposing force.And all this is taking place in the middle of the Mojave Desert, California.

Attack Helicopter pilots sitting in dark simulator boxes are being piped in via 600 miles of cable. All the planes and anti-aircraft icons are being controlled by wired up soldiers.

The position, angle and firing activity of every vehicle in the battle space, whether real or simulated, is being converted into a digital code which runs over silicon circuitry inside the simulators. It passes out into the network as pulses of light in long, thin, glass like fibers, When it reaches the real battlefield, the information is converted into a fuzz of high frequency radio vibrations, then encoded again for the tanks.
This code is the key to the whole experiment. Without it a confusing hell would follow!!

Stricom, the Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command Centre outside Orlando, Florida, is the department of US Army which is responsible for creating or acquiring all its training technologies, whether virtual or real.
It is staffed by a Intellectual Force of US Army Officers and Civilian nerds and Scientists.

When this battle in question, the one I just painted is done, the code linking the participants is stored on a Central Database - a central digital library containing the results of thousands of such simulation exercises.

Well, well, ever since the guys with spears, beat the guys with no spears, Technology has been of vital importance to warfare and subsequent domination.
The great French Philosopher Albert Camus got it simply right: ''I always wondered where war lives and then discovered that it permanently resides within us.''

Coming next, and do not miss it : SO FAR. SO GOOD! Hahaha!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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