Everything is an opiate. Before Television ignorance, lack of resolve, indifference were all opiates. Even now that is so!
To history when it is truthfully written the world had just one point agenda: keeping the populace from dwelling from welling on the poverty of their circumstances by holding out the promises of something better in the future or in the afterlife.
For much of the last quarter of the twentieth century, it was the windfall mentality -Vegas, State lotteries, etc and I could go on and on- that induced the world to go lull in the mistaken belief that but for one little break we could be multi-billionaires.
The hard bitter truth is that we tend to be so much more docile in the face of economic inequality if the carrot of sudden riches is held out in front of us.
Now, though, the thing that keeps us from open rebellion is the faux democratization of the culture via the gentle ministrations of reality, TV and the Internet.
On Tv, it's pretty much same of the same of the same. Reality Television in both its iterations, adventurey nonsense and game show for idiots, promises the exact kind of windfall. This could be you.
But the far more insidious force is the all powerful democratizing force of the Internet.
It's not just the YouTube Phenomenon, in which you are allowed to program an entertainment outlet for the X boys so tenhat they may sell advertising against it and inflate their stock price and get ever richer.
The world it seems has lowered the bar for what kind of unreachable dram we are settling for. It used to be riches.
Here's the thing: The sense of well being and possibility that this faux domocratization creates causes us to ignore the fact that while we do the work, the rich rake in the fruit of our labor.
The new opiate of the masses is the illusion of participation in a culture even as the underpinnings of a good life -education, quality life are stripped away.
As the minstrel once wisely observed : The rich keep getting richer and the rest of us just keep getting old!
With humble and loving dedication to the students of the world.
Good Night & God Bless!.
Everything is an opiate. Before Television ignorance, lack of resolve, indifference were all opiates. Even now that is so!
To history when it is truthfully written the world had just one point agenda: keeping the populace from dwelling from welling on the poverty of their circumstances by holding out the promises of something better in the future or in the afterlife.
For much of the last quarter of the twentieth century, it was the windfall mentality -Vegas, State lotteries, etc and I could go on and on- that induced the world to go lull in the mistaken belief that but for one little break we could be multi-billionaires.
The hard bitter truth is that we tend to be so much more docile in the face of economic inequality if the carrot of sudden riches is held out in front of us.
Now, though, the thing that keeps us from open rebellion is the faux democratization of the culture via the gentle ministrations of reality, TV and the Internet.
On Tv, it's pretty much same of the same of the same. Reality Television in both its iterations, adventurey nonsense and game show for idiots, promises the exact kind of windfall. This could be you.
But the far more insidious force is the all powerful democratizing force of the Internet.
It's not just the YouTube Phenomenon, in which you are allowed to program an entertainment outlet for the X boys so tenhat they may sell advertising against it and inflate their stock price and get ever richer.
The world it seems has lowered the bar for what kind of unreachable dram we are settling for. It used to be riches.
Here's the thing: The sense of well being and possibility that this faux domocratization creates causes us to ignore the fact that while we do the work, the rich rake in the fruit of our labor.
The new opiate of the masses is the illusion of participation in a culture even as the underpinnings of a good life -education, quality life are stripped away.
As the minstrel once wisely observed : The rich keep getting richer and the rest of us just keep getting old!
With humble and loving dedication to the students of the world.
Good Night & God Bless!.
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