
Headline December7,2012


Youth culture, -that is your culture- quickly adapted the Vampire as an alternative icon - from Alice Cooper and Roky Erickson to punk bands such as the The Damned, pyschobilly, and heavy metal screamers such as L.A.Guns. But it hasn't stooped with the metal culture.

Since 1976, with the publication of Anne Rice's influential: Interview with the Vampire, the book-reading public -both male an female -has become totally smitten with the idea of Vampires, not as unholy parasites leeching off the living, but as chivalrous romantic heroes with swirling cloaks and seductive manners, a fanged amalgam of Lord Byron. Mr Rochester and James Bond.

Familiarisation with the signifiers fangs, batcape,widow's peak- starts young in the world; an entire generation of Vampire fanciers are being bred. Look no farther than toy shops and children's telly. Count Dracula haunts the airwaves. You can buy Vampire teeth, glow-in-the-dark Dracula Kits and little Dracula figures which gnash their fangs when you squeeze their legs. Over in the States, there's a breakfast cereal called Count Chocula and books about a vampire rabbit called Bunnicula.
Vampires are now considered suitable fodder for the nursery.

And if there are still sceptics who doubt all this then they should follow the Vampire movies jostling for pole positions at the public jugular. In allegory terms, the Vampire is something of a Renaissance Man. But if all these Vampire varieties have anything at all in common, it's not sex but power. That is why they are so admired. Vampires have the edge. They control transmission. They control the horizontal, the vertical and the image.

In the wild urban walkways of life and death, the bloodsucker cannot be mugged. And this is their decade. You might as well sit back with your throat exposed and imagine.............?
Welcome to the Vampire World!!

Good Night &God Bless!


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