
Headline January1,2013



There's so much gender confusion on the Internet that pure paranoia surrounds anyone claiming to be female. Consequently, women are sometimes treated like lab specimens of alien life, subject to a torrent of prurient, er. ''scientific'' inquiries.
Apparently, 51 percent of the human population ranks right up there with UFOs and Jackson sightings on the 'netters' list of dubious phenomena. In the end, it's a Catch-22: Half the Net jumps you because they think you are really a man; the other half jumps you because they believe you are a woman.

Here is one combat mix up:
*Hey....crackerjack vito tells me you're in Florida. I bet you even have a tan -speaking as a pasty Bostonian.....!! Wear bikinis?? Hahaha!
''You have to realize you are a minority and you may be an oddity to some people,'' cautions Diana Tenery-Fisher, a.k.a as Cass, who moderated the Women Online Forum of MindVox, in late 90s, a hacker-heavy bulletin board in New York City.
''You're just going to get, from the men, a little good-natured hazing...............Hahaha! The second you say you're new, if there's any little thing they can pick on, they'll jump you. And it's not to be malicious............ And they want to see if you can survive. And if you can, they want to welcome you with open arms........It's sort of like a fraternity in that way.''

*vito* yeah sure I could use a tropical vacation. Got a balcony I could sleep on?
/msg vito: sorry dude.The Cyberpunk hostel is up in Orlando.

Now just here what one netter says:
''Females on computers are to be considered to be females first and human beings second -if at all. It's something special if you see a female on a BBS {Bulletin Board System).''

And then another female freelance author has this to add: ''I am a BBS babe, I have to agree. If someone were to ask me how many of us there are, I would give the easy answer: damn few. Beyond that, even a ballpark estimate would be tricky, for a few reasons. First of all, the Net has absorbed everything from corporate Mainframe into its Cybernetic cytoplasm; its far too anarchic and decentralized to census, Second, thousands of women hide on the Net by simply remaining silent. These invisible ''netters''or ''lurkers,'' are said to out number their talkative counterparts 10-to-1.

Last but not least, when female 'netters do talk' they often use male pseudonyms. No one can call you on it, the reasoning goes, so why deal with a bunch of silly E-Mail?''

*vito* C' mon I m an freezing up here.

*Kilgore* Are you ignoring me or are you just ugly?

Hahaha! And honestly, if you ask me? Well, some of those Net Dudes are actually dudettes! Oh, dear!

Many thanks to !WOW! for sterling research. This delightful post continues as Flame War. Just don't miss it as I turn on the ''Game!WOW!''

Good Night & God Bless!


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