
'Immigrants cause problems' say Germans

A new opinion poll has revealed Germans' mixed attitude to immigration - while the majority believe immigrants make life in the country more interesting, two-thirds say foreigners cause major social problems.

Seventy percent of those asked said immigration made it easier for international firms to invest in Germany, while 62 percent said that immigration could ease the effects of Germany's ageing society. And half said immigration as an effective means against the country's lack of skilled labour.

But two-thirds of Germans also saw immigration as an extra burden on the social security system, and as a source of conflict with "native" Germans and a source of trouble in schools, according to the Emnid survey commissioned by the Bertelsmann Foundation.

And fewer than half of the 1,002 people asked were in favour of easing naturalization procedures, allowing dual citizenship, and toughening anti-discrimination laws.

- Thelocal.de


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