
Corruption runs deep in Turkish universities, hacker group shows

Turkish hacker group RedHack has leaked over 60,000 documents in its latest attack on the Council of Higher Education of Turkey (YÖK) website, unraveling hundreds of corruption investigations and documented incidents.

In a counter-move taken after last month's clashes between students and police at the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ), RedHack took over the YÖK website, defacing a sub-domain and leaking tens of thousands of cables.

A number of the documents were confidential, according to a RedHack statement released on Jan.9.

The documents consist of bank account information, parliamentary complaints, correspondence between YÖK and universities, as well as end reports of corruption investigations.

Financial schemes, mishandled student information and private agreements with banks in exchange for financial and material rewards can all be seen in the series of documents released by the hacker group.

- hurriyetdailynews.com


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