
Headline Jan 23,2013/ Sugar and Ageing!?


Sun.Stress.Pollution. We all know their vendettas against your skin and life.

But sugar??

If an increasing waistline wasn't catalyst enough to curb your taste for the sweet stuff, then the desire for a lineless face might be! Hahaha!

''In short it's ageing you faster than you think,'' says Dr Brandt, a famous beauty expert and a pioneer of a harder, faster approach to preventive skincare.

''We all love sugar, but that's the reason we're all overweight.'' Excess sugar binds collagen and the elastin in your skin and breaks it down. Your skin looses its snapback so you get more sagging, and when it attacks the collagen you get more wrinkling.

Excess sugar in the skin cells produces a harmful waste, AGEs, -Advanced Glycation End Products-. AGEs have been found in the bosy earlier most likely fuelled by today's AGEing diet.

The present world has the highest level of sugar consumption levels ever experienced and recorded. Many many experts believe that high-that a high-sugar diet has a direct impact on the rising figures of diabetes in the world..

Diabetes is a modern epidemic!!

People with ''Diabetes'' have more problems with their vision and kidneys. The skin's healing time is also disrupted, because the circulation is depleted, which means blood vessels containing collagen are become very thick and less able to transport the blood.

The glycation phenomenon is a new way of looking at ageing.

To combat this problem Dr Brandt has developed a new serum that delivers a potential dose of green and white tea (antioxidants) grape seed extract (helps protect collagen and elastin) and soya bean germ extract (helps reverse the glycation process).

Sugar is the reason why we are all looking much older. So combined with the right amount of sugar in your diet, you'll be better equipped for the ongoing battle for younger and beautiful looking skins!!

This is the unfortunate Truth about your sweettooth!! The world on a average eats around 20 teaspoons of sugar a DAY!

Good Night & God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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