
Headline Jan 25, 2013 /


If you want to experience some of Africa's latest contemporary art, forget the galleries and go to downtown Nairobi.
A plethora of signs advertise the range of Hair styles on offer: from ''Pank'' (Punk) -''Bittle' (Beatle) -''Kennedy'' and ''Shangzi''
To me this seems the cutting edge of contemporary art..

This comercial imagery that over the past many decades has become the continent's most most important and vibrant art traditions. This also reveals how the barriers between ''Western'' art and ''Third World'' are increasingly obsolete:
Of course, of course, African culture is patently capable of surviving on its own terms.

Although Hairstyling advancement and advancements have probably redeemed
the loss of old fashioned barber chair, this is certain: it has been a steep price to pay for better looking haircuts.

The modern unisex chair has none of its predecessor's warmth and charm. It's a monstrosity of plastic and cold steel. The unisex chair doesn't have a headrest or a footrest. It doesn't have a wide back, and its armrests are negligible.
In short its not a chair in which to linger, to make conversation, to forget one's trouble. Hahaha!

Good news, though: The Japanese seem to have an answer to these barberchair doldrums. Takara Belmont has gobbled up most of the competitors in the world. Its top-of-the-line barber chairs incorporate both the old-world comfort and the latest trends in technology. For example its chairs vibrate as the customer is having a hair cut.

They are chairs fit for a king. King Bhumibal of Thailand has one. So does the Emperor of Japan. It has said that Duvalier and his wife Michelle, had an entire Takara salon installed in their palace in Haiti. Then took the chairs with them when they fled in 1986. Hahaha!

The chairs have these very beautiful names like: Sigma 21, Gemini 480, Shuttle 460, and Saturn 980. But Takar's chairs aren't romantic. They are not chairs to die in. They 've got no past.

Be that it may, but this too is a fact that Hollywood Stars and Starlets spend over four hours a day in this very chair while being made up!!
Says the company's spokesman,''We brought the Barber-chair Industry into the 21st century. I'd say that compared to whats around we are hundred years ahead. We look to learn so that we may harmonize man and his Technology!!!''

But, but, artist Al Hirschfeld thinks that he wouldn't trade in his old fashioned chair for a hundred Takara's.
''I can do almost anything in my old chair!''
Does that include getting a haircut?
''No,'' says the illustrator laughing. ''that's just about the only thing I don't do in my barber chair.''

With respectful dedication to all the students love of Great and Trendy Hairstyles and to the Hairstylists of the world! See you in the chair! Hahaha!

Good Night & God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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