
Headline Jan 26, 2013


All has gone quiet and the din of everyday has disappeared, as if not only students, professors, teachers and the rest of humanity but even birds know something is approaching!!?
And lest I forget, I must stop laughing!

For those of you watching and reading the beautiful reality of  !WOW! -seem far from confused and remote but terribly present, unbearably simple!!

The Samurai are busy reviewing your applications for the General Body Membership of  !WOW!
They will soon be publishing -country wise- all the names and memberships before they issue the call for the first General Body Meeting

Prepare yourself for Democracy and Elections. Get ready to learn Society Laws, Debate, formulate and incorporate Bylaws and rules. Gear up to think Nominations and Elections.
Use your vote judiciously and timely! Elect Great people to office and you will be well on your way!!

Remember, many of you and I have been witness to sadness but I am sure it is far from traumatised.
Despair isn't what unites the students of the world, it's something else, I repeat, it's something else:
A response of duty, of wanting to do something great while doing good. And doing it with great excellence, dignity and pride: Building a better world for generations to come!

Also remember, that it is my fair, sincere and loving judgement that the students of the world are one hundred percent capable of doing what they should have always done in times of trouble:
Pull Together, Share in the Collective Experience and leave no one behind!!

One of the great wisdom in life is how to conclude things! At the end of your  Nominations and Elections to Office, I will be taking off, handing over and returning to my life and whatever is left of it! I need to let go off your hand and let you walk forth into the wicked world. My role was to validate and not to teach. Show me what you can do and I will bless you when you do it right!!
And when I get back it will only be  to do what have always been good at:
The great aristocratic art of doing absolutely nothing!!

And one point of warning!! My latest research shows that ''Spyware has become so common that it has moved ahead of viruses as the number one danger facing Computers-Internet-Wireless''.
Although trusted antispyware programs may help protect you but of security is far from sure thing!!
Exercise care and caution!!

Apple Computer, which has carved out a string niche in the Education market, -in the past- was very enthusiastic about the proposition that, once enough information has been digitized, software could replace physical classrooms. This will free students to go wherever their minds will lead??!!
What then happened??!

With respectful dedication to the President of United States Barrack H Obama on his election for the second term!
He is perceived as a  great friend of the students! I sincerely hope that his lovely daughters will join up on  !WOW!

Please honor and display this post for two days and then republish it on  !WOW!

Good Night & God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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