Most Netters usually finesse the gender issue with an androgynous nickname.,..... and at times The Netters are honest when questioned as they are a male or a female......well, ok, most of the time!
In the end, it's a Catch-22: Half the Net jumps you because they think you are really a man; the other jumps you because they believe you're a woman.
''You have to realize that you are a minority and you may be an oddity to some people,' caution one experienced Netter, who some time back moderated the Women Online Forum, a hacker heavy bulletin board.
''You are just gooing to get. from the meen, a little good- natured hazing...............The second you say you are new, if there's any little thing they can pick on, they'll jump you.''
And it's not to be malicious. They want to see if you can survive. And if you can, they;ll welcome you with open arms! It's sort of like a fraternity in that way!!''
And yes, yes, when you get more experienced and knowledgeable to the ways of the world. and, yes, you will begin recognizing many many contradictions.And as you watch the seventy-character ribbon of words take small, even jump up to the top of your screen, you will realize that it is the same old game, only different medium.
In the end, it's a Catch-22: Half the Net jumps you because they think you are really a man; the other jumps you because they believe you're a woman.
''You have to realize that you are a minority and you may be an oddity to some people,' caution one experienced Netter, who some time back moderated the Women Online Forum, a hacker heavy bulletin board.
''You are just gooing to get. from the meen, a little good- natured hazing...............The second you say you are new, if there's any little thing they can pick on, they'll jump you.''
And it's not to be malicious. They want to see if you can survive. And if you can, they;ll welcome you with open arms! It's sort of like a fraternity in that way!!''
And yes, yes, when you get more experienced and knowledgeable to the ways of the world. and, yes, you will begin recognizing many many contradictions.And as you watch the seventy-character ribbon of words take small, even jump up to the top of your screen, you will realize that it is the same old game, only different medium.
After all the sci-fi inspired fear that Technology will obscure our humanity, the humanity shines through loud and clear, and with the same aggression, ''attention mongering'', loneliness, braggadocio and manipulation that we bitched about before.
Technology has yet to muffle the bullshit that makes us human. No one seems to know whether to be depressed or reassured by this.
I think the only thing that can save you from a particular nasty brand of Net cynicism is a sure, even a brief brush with a good kind human. Chivalry isn't yet dead. In fact, it might even survive the digital age!''
Even if you happen to be juggling one too many lunatic boys!!??''
Hahaha!.........a nervous laugh! ''I dunno. So;;;;;;;;Like.....Bye!''
Many thanks to !WOW!
Technology has yet to muffle the bullshit that makes us human. No one seems to know whether to be depressed or reassured by this.
I think the only thing that can save you from a particular nasty brand of Net cynicism is a sure, even a brief brush with a good kind human. Chivalry isn't yet dead. In fact, it might even survive the digital age!''
Even if you happen to be juggling one too many lunatic boys!!??''
Hahaha!.........a nervous laugh! ''I dunno. So;;;;;;;;Like.....Bye!''
Many thanks to !WOW!
Good Night & God Bless!
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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