
Headline Jan08, 2013


Never let any kindness pass. Never allow gestures and gifts drift by. So many sweaters made by aunts or books and other little presents sent by friends and loved ones.

So, when you thank sincerely, it is not so much about what this would get you, or how this would bend the world in your favour. What you are actually doing is, adopting a karmic ritual, which, over time, would actually benefit all the parties.

A good thank you note is a clear ruddy piece of prose. And there only just two moves involved. First, you remind the person what you are thanking them for. Then you tell them why. That's it. You sign off, sure. And might you throw in an extra sentence or two for a laugh or a private joke.

But it's mostly a chop=chop exercise: two solid sincere sentences, each touching the heart of the matter. It isn't all that tough. Let your friends, buddies, teachers get a thank you note. In a great and civilized society even neighbours sent a thank you note: ''Thank you again for helping me with the garbage can!! It really is a load off my mind, ''My arthritic hands just won't allow me to do it myself.''
Beautiful work, I must say!!

One super author ruminates as such: ''My head filled with anger. I could think of three people I could blame for this. Then more. Jealous, petty, careless people, each of whom had declared, without saying as much, that they no longer wanted to watch my back. I wasn't being fired; I was being dared to quit.''
But then I too had something to say!!

''The next morning I decided to write my boss a note! The discipline told me this much: Gratitude requires some measure of humility. I didn't quit or tell him to get lost, or ask for a another meeting.

I sidestepped and smashed my anger and thanked him for his time. It turned out to be all he could offer me, and I told him that I was glad to know that much.
Knowing that -really understanding it on level. I could reach only by sitting down to write the note -made it easier to consider what had passed, and what might still be to come.
I was grateful for that
And remember, Real Gratitude, is in the detail -or allow me to put it very very beautifully:
The emergence of daylilies!

Thank you, all! Thank you the great students of the world. Thank you, to the thousands of Universities Heads who honored us and expressed it to me!
And Malala is better and in the loop!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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