
Headline Jan09,2012/


For the last many many days, -after I had clashed with many hackers-  and sent every single of them into a spiral, I have been recovering my ever jumpy nerves and surfing for some earth bound solace and even knowledge..

By pure default, believe me, I got onto some gloom and doom sites. Later, I had to wean myself off those ''carbon-footprint sites'' and I am mighty glad that I did.
They might have helped me become more self-aware, and that's a positive thing.

Just some years ago, Pope Benedict shook things up like no other Pontiff. Sure he was in 80s, frail and bound by liturgy, yet he ignited things up.
The Vatican then announced the creation of ''climate forest''. Remarkable move! The Church will now plant trees in Hungary!! to offset  its carbon emissions.

Like all the Samurai, I too love a tree and trees. I enjoy foliage wherever it sprouts. And I would gladly go anywhere, to let me feel good, and to do my bit. Hoe else can we run the air conditioners in the future.

But something tells me that this act just isn't enough. That it's some sort of fairy tale that we are telling ourselves. A beautiful one though, but a fairy tale nonetheless.
One can emit less CO2 by not using heating and not driving a car. But I can just close my eyes and see the Dude accelerating away on the freeway and thinking:
Oh, boy! I am cool. I just planted a tree in Bogota.

We all should feel guilty for our own excessive consumption, our tendency to simultaneously fire up and keep on all day every appliance known to man   -computer, flat-screen TV, high-security paper shredder, Sharper image massage chair.

So if you get Online and research your carbon footprint, you will discover that it is appalling.
Then research precisely how many trees you'd have to plant, where, when and how. Until the earth healed and the foot shrank in size. You will soon feel renewed and even righteous with a kind of global-class warming rage. Hahaha!

And then something will sweep over you, as you start calculating your friends footprints, then your teachers, your neighbours, including that silly idiot that we all hate. Hahaha!
Spend a little more time on the computer and research comparing data and the global carnage.

Then politely let people know that they were tree murderers!! Meals would grow quieter  Hahaha!
Or equally better get all to pray for Divine Intervention. Hahaha! The problem, though, with miracles is, that they happen to people who never expect them!!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voicless


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