
Headline January 30,2013


Sean Penn is one great human -one, of the highest class! If the world thinks that Sean Penn is just another Hollywood star who loves courting Headlines with a camera-ready cause, think and look again.

When the Haiti misery and suffering struck not too far ago, Sean Penn barely stopped to promote his next film, Fair Game. The Actor, Director, and Activist plunged full time into the Haitian Earthquake relief work, armed with a Glock Pistol and a golden Rolodex.
Near Port-au-Prince, Sean Penn devouted his entire world to running Haiti's largest displaced-persons  camp.

Clutter aside, there was much about Penn to engender esteem in the eyes of the entire world. Though his politics tacked hard left, Sean Penn was fearless. And he carried a gun, and he was a movie star. He also had an actor's ability to improvise, natural leadership skills, and a total total distrust of bureaucrats.

When he faltered in the heat, medics would hook him up with an IV bag for a while, and then he'd re-eneter the fray, re-invigorated. Observers began to envy his ability to use his network of connections, and his sheer wiliness to find anything at any hour. He figured out how to import vital equipment like, X-Ray machines, fire extinguishers, rabies vaccine. He even hired a troupe of magicians to come in and raise the camp kids spirits.

Sean Penn turned a demanding taskmaster. He exhibited zero tolerance for political correctness and sub par performance. In one particular meeting he pounded his fist so hard he shattered a glass tabletop. He even banned the use of Facebook by his colleagues! At one stage, when told that a few exhausted workers intend to take off Easter Weekend, Penn was clearly disappointed.

The Hero Sean Penn saved millions of lives!! He brought great honor to the entire world. He reminisces: ''There is no exit for me until there is more life than death.And I can see the light very clearly in terms of the ''big picture'' for Haiti. It's a pretty damn distant  distant light!!''

Sean Penn has abiding respect for scores of his U.N. and NGO colleague.That said he talks of the other side of the coin: ''Many people in the U.N. and NGO disaster relief community share much with Hollywood: envy, Schadenfreude and the cover that bureaucracy gives to a cult of unimaginative ambulance chasers.''

But the brightness of the Haitians eyes is enough to make you giddy. There is a strength of character in the people who have, by and large, never experienced comfort.
 Sean Penn helped bring about a real social engineering achievement. But the Actor insists that the displaced people of Petionville have given him a gift as well.
''It's been a reciprocal thing,'' says Sean Penn.
''They have returned to me something I had lost---MY HUMILITY!!

With respectful and loving dedication to all those who lost their lives in Haiti and all those who had the honor to care and serve.
Please honor this post for two consecutive days.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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