
Headline January2,2013


At the same time, and at the opposite end of the Net's Female Spectrum, is Stacy Horn, who describes her New York Bulletin Board, East Coast Hangout (ECHO), as an ''electronic salon'' composed of different forums -art, culture, music, books and such.
Her goal: to bring civilization to cyberspace. Stacy seems intent on tidying up the place, at least her corner of the Net.
''This is not a public square open to anyone who walks by,'' she insists.''It actually is a private saloon.So it's closer to if-you-were-going-to-come-sit-down-at-my-dinner-table kind of behavior, not if-you are-going-to-be-walking-down my street kind of behavior.It's a community. Everyone that comes in is a part of it. It's like not making a mess in your own home.''

In an effort to tame the electronic frontier, Horn has done what successful frontier settlers have always done: import women. She's made concerted effort to recruit them, at first offering free accounts to women and then setting them up with a ''big sister'' to teach them the ropes of-being-online. She also has a pretty fierce affirmative action policy when it comes to recruiting moderator's for ECHO's forums.

''Half the hosts on ECHO are women,'' she says.''So, to a large extent, women are setting the tone, as opposed to other systems, where you get there it feels like there are nothing but men running it............I hear all the time that ECHO is more civilized than any other online place, like the internet, and there's very little flaming and people are generally very polite.'' It's like as if ECHO's women, having arrived by ship at the ''Dark Continent'' have now persuaded its lawless menfolk to shave and start behaving themselves.
Stacy envisions a blossoming of ECHO clones as women arrive onLine, havens of civility amid the larger crash and bash of the internet.

''Rather than the Internet getting more like ECHO, what I see is a bunch of ECHOs evolving around the world. And people can go from ECHO to ECHO to ECHO,'' she says.

But there's a rub to this vision of digital domesticity : ECHO's tea-party is emphatically outside the Net's Technical Loop. Very few conversations have anything to do with Computers. All the Computer conferences are dead as a doornail. Ha Ha Ha!

Problem is that !WOW! much rather learn how to build a Cellular Phone Scanner, or figure out CyberWar, or Cyber Attacks in a den of swirling hormones than the discuss the politics of meaning in a salon full of extended beauties!!! Hahaha!

Join !WOW! heroes! Remember !WOW! is WATERPROOF! Hahaha!

Respectful dedication to the legend Larry Ellison/Oracle Designing Applications in Software is hard work. Larry has few peers in solving engineering problems.

Good Night & God Bless!


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