
Headline January3,2013


Torch Traverse begins : One small step for students of the world, and a giant leap for mankind!

Truth is illumination and all my life I have never believed, nay scorned, the very notion of the axis of appeasement.

Since many many years, I have been out of patience with the young cheerleaders of this standard Education the chickenhawks in every country. I have also been out of patience with the think-tank cowboys and Talk show Napoleans.

Nobody lobbies for the poor student guy on the ground. To too many people in this business, committing boys and girls to shoddy education, even a totally uncertain outcome and future, is a very very tragic and sad abstraction. This impatience caused me to step in, loudly.It is grinding, brutal, merciless work!

We now invite the American students to have the honor to begin accepting the handing over process of the -Torch and Sam Daily Times, on behalf of the students of the world.
The hammer and anvil is yours! The canvass is yours! We understand that you are on holidays. So we shall continue to publish regularly till you are ready to take over.
Ready when you are!

We thank in deep humility the students of the entire world. It was great that you all participated with sense of purpose and set forth our lofty ideals for the present and for the generations to come.
Remember, that more than in any other historical epoch, the world's sense of reality is severely challenged.
Everybody is suspicious of teachers. I do not know why?

The world is very concerned with the well-being of whales, Panda bears, and tree frogs.
Students and their future?
It is but natural for all beautiful things, great attempts and endeavors to come to an end,
But we are blessed and lucky to see Sam Daily Times evolve to the next level.

We all pray and hope that as long as the World lasts, the Torch and Sam Daily Times will continue to illuminate the path of every student of the world, ever and forever! Amen!
It is silly to believe that human life is sustainable on this planet. We've got maybe......?.

If you want a safe life, ''Go sell shoes!''

The world since long abdicated its oversight responsibility on Great and Real Education.
!WOW! is a jarring gong! The students of the world should augument !WOW!

Please honor and display this post for two days! And share it with the entire planet.

Good Night & God Bless!


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