
Students urge nationwide protest for women's safety

GUWAHATI: A day after Nirbhaya's valiant 13-day-struggle for survival met a tragic end; student leaders appealed to Indian women to start a long-drawn movement across the country to safeguard their dignity. Grief-stricken students of Guwahati demanded that the government should act in letter and spirit so that not a single woman meets Nirbhaya's fate in future.

"The death of Nirbhaya is the beginning of a new struggle. Northeast India was once a safe haven for women but, of late, atrocities on women have become a big concern in this part of the country too. Incidents like rape and molestation of women have become frequent in the region and it's time for the government to wake up. We want adequate police force to be deployed so that every woman can feel safe," says Munmi Dutta, president of the North East Girl Students' Association.

- timesofindia.indiatimes.com


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