

When Superstar Mia Maestro was growing up in Buenos Aires, she thought for three years that she was David Starsky -yes, as in Hutch! The problem was so severe that the parents had to bring in a psychologists..

''I had everything: the gun, the jeans, a little knitted cardigan,'' she recalls, ;;and I wouldn't answer unless people called me Starsky. The psychologist said it was OK but not to encourage it.''

in 2003, Mia Maestro received the honor of being one of the most attractive women in the world. Of course, this honor in no way diminishes her multifarious achievements as actress, jazz singer and superbike aficionado

Meastro is modest-slash-appalled about her inclusion in the world's most wanted list. So, since many years, she has studiously avoided all modelling assignments and relentlessly pursued quirky and testing acting roles. Her first audition led to her first role, in Carlos Saura'sOscar nominated Tango, which segued into two films. Timecode and Hotel,

Meastro then also ventured bravely out of the arthouse for two new roles. Most surprising was a regular turn in addictive TV spy nonsense Alias.And she took some time to understand the obsessive fanaticism the programme provoked.
''My first show had not even aired and there were already lists on the Internet about why I shouldn't be in it : 10 reasons why we like Mia Meastro and 10 reasons why we hate her!! It's really scary!''

Always full of fun and laughter about the outdoor. she muses about the ''The Motorcycle Diaries : ''I love the Ducati monster and the BMW 650. I wish they would create a cool off-road Bike for women!'
Her instincts may be highbrow but Maestro retains an alluring unpredictability!! A beautiful sunshine in the world!
With respectful and loving dedication to the students of Argentina!

Good Night & God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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