
Headline Feb07, 2013/

       '''HISTORY'S :
       RELAY- RACE-ROMP!!'''

The 1936 Berlin Games were the first to be Televised! Imagine that!! Three cameras generated 72 hours of Live Transmission, which were broadcast at special ''Public Television Offices'' in Berlin and Potsdam.
By 1980, Olympic Games were generating revenues in excess of $100 million, a figure that, over two decades, mushroomed to over $1.3 billion by Sydney 2000, when more than 361bn viewing hours were amassed to it by 3-7bn people in 220 countries.

And at Berlin 1936, Jesse Owens was among six African Americans who belied Nazi notions of Aryan supremacy by winning four gold medals and setting a world record for the long jump that stood for 25 years. But it wasn't all romance: he only completed in the 4x100 meters relay after the US team's two Jewish sprinters were controversially dropped.  Endemic racism wasn't just confined to Germany.

The famous athlete and hero also famously remarked: ''I wasn't invited to shake hands with Hitler, but I also wasn't invited to shake hands with the President, either!''
Owens received a muted reception in the US, where his career came to an abrupt end when the US Olympic Committee barred him for life cutting short a tour of Europe.

Reduced to eking out a living by appearing in stunt races against horses, Owens achievements were finally acknowledged in 1955 when President Eisenhower honored him with the title of Ambassador of Sports.

But back in 1904 Marathon, Fred Lorz of USA cadged a lift from an official car for 11 miles. His lifelong ban was later commuted to a year.While in the West Germany Marathon, of 1972, Student Norbert Sudhaus, 22 years old, joined the race ''half a mile'' from the finish!! 
One bright Student for sure! Hahaha!

And at the Sydney Olympic's village, the Olympic Village franchise dished out 35,000 Big Macs, 325,000 rounds of Chicken McNuggets. 75,000 bags of Fries and 40,000 Apple Pies!! No wonder so many medals went abegging!!

With respectful dedication to all the sportsmen and Athletes of the World!! Right on top, Boris Becker and Richie Benaud, Australia, Richard Hadlee, NZ.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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