
Headline Feb11, 2013/



Peter G Neumann could easily honor the honor of being the greatest computer scientist of our times! It is absolutely fair to say that Professor Neumann has done more than anyone else in the world to raise the level of professional and public awareness regarding the proliferation of computer related risks. Dr Neumann writes

In our lives as  in our computer systems, we tend to make unjustified and oversimplified assumptions, often that adverse things will not happen. In life, such assumptions make it possible,...to go living without inordinate paranoia. In computer systems, however, greater concern is often warranted   -especially if a system must meet critical requirements under all possible operating conditions to avoid serious repercussions.......And yet we do not appreciate sufficiently the real difficulties that lurk in the development, administration, and use of systems with critical requirements.

Neumann expresses ''optimism that we can do much better in developing and operating computer-related systems with less risk', but 'pessimism as to how much we can justifiably trust computer systems and people involved in the use of those systems.'
The fact is that we are entrusting too many critical decisions -those that affect our health, our welfare, and the future of our environment as well -to people and processes that work according to rules of their own.

The true extent of a society's captivation by (and dependence upon) a narrow base of specialists, whose powerful but demonstrably fallible computer algorithms embody commercial, technical, and or/political biases, is still only poorly understood even as the public's dependence upon them verges on somewhat complete.

The result is a growth of fallibility without corresponding procedures for pinpointing who  -or indeed what-  is accountable?? Some weeks ago I warned you all about Cyber attacks.
New York Times got attacked and compromised. And then Twitter got hacked. Then former President Bush's Email and privacy got invaded
Computer security is Dead. Internet and Wireless security is Dead! Long Live the Market, Growth and Chaos!!

Respectful dedication to all the Cyberpunks of the world!

Good Night & God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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