
Headline Feb12, 2013


In 1999, Tiger Woods was named athlete of the Year, winning eight PGA tournaments and earning £3.3 million in the process. But he wasn't happy. Why? Because although the greatest golfer of modern age had improved  his swing and fine-tuned his putting, there was one important element to his game that he couldn't improve: his eyes!!

Having worn contact lenses to combat his extreme near-sightedness, Tiger was frustrated that both the wind and rain continued to affect his vision, so he took the decision to have LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis) surgery. ''I was apprehensive, just like anyone else would be when their vision is going to be altered,'' said Woods,''but I was prepared, I researched everything, and I had a lot of faith in the surgeon.''

Nearly ten years on, and despite the advances in laser eye technology, and the fact that's it's now safe enough to be available everywhere, it is still regarded with much and growing suspicion. The world famous: London Vision Clinic,  observed as such: ''It's natural to be concerned about having one's eyes treated. But in the right hands, it is a very safe procedure that offers an extraordinary improvement in the quality of life.''  

So, what is the operation like? After all the eye tests and consultations, the operation itself takes less than 20 minutes. Firstly, after anesthetic drops are applied to the eyes, you lie down in the operating room and you are carefully placed under the laser machine. One eye is kept shut simply using the tape while the other is kept open  with a small eyelid holder and then the technician lowers the laser coupling lens into position and creates a small flap in the cornea.

It is painless, although there is a mild pressure for a few seconds. The procedure is then repeated on the other eye. Once the flaps are formed, you are placed under a laser, each flap is peeled back and thee cornea is shaped to correct the glasses prescription. And that's it!
You have to apply antibiotic drops and artificial ''crocodile'' tears (hahaha!) for a fortnight, and they are sensitive to light, but apart from a slight scratchy feel as the flap heals over the first few hours, you can get on with life!!

Laser Surgery is without doubt a life-changing experience. But with a proviso that you go into it with your eyes open! Research your clinic and your surgeon and go for the very best!
So open your eyes now, and Let's see ya all 'Without Glasses!'

With respectful dedication Professor Reinsten, a leading  Laser eye surgeon from UK, and the developer of the machine that measures the thickness of Cornea.

Good Night & God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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