
Headline, Feb13, 2013


One has to be totally demented to underestimate the ever enriching value of a Great Excuse.
Having a list of plausible=get out clauses- at your command can save you a lot of wasted time and a Everest of potential embarrassment.

Politicians have always known the true beauty and worth of a snappy answer.to a tricky question or a situation and therefore employ vast and huge teams of excuse writers to deflect enquiries from anything even from Weapons of Mass Destruction!!

The Students have never ever lacked in this spectrum. As a matter of fact, right from the earliest years, they find themselves in great trim and tenor to befuddle the brightest of the teachers. But being young and raw they often overlook the reality that to UP your chances of being believed, it's worth mastering the toothy grin or the eye contact so favored by World Leaders! Hahaha

But, until now, the rest of us have had to make do with our natural cunning to construct a plausible lie when faced with an unwanted invitation or caught out over some misdeed

So 8 unbeatable excuses to avoid doing something NOW:

< I have been hypnotized.

< I am recovering from Rhinoplasty.

< I' ve  been Mickey Finned.

< I' ve been struck by lightning second time this week!

< I' ve been kicked by a horse

< My account got hacked.

< My phone was on silent

<  Facebook is blocking accounts.

Then 8 unbeatable excuses to avoid doing something Ever

> I am running for Office

> The world is coming to end.

> I' ve gone native.

> I am re-reading the complete works of Shakespeare

> I' ve been placed under house arrest.

> I am developing the ''Chopfork'' for the Chinese Market.

> I have eye strain.

> My computer is just so Virus prone.

And one particular student found an HTML assignment, -well, somewhat demanding!! Said she,'' My grandmother thinks HTML is evil!'' Hahaha!  I countered, ''Your grandmother is right!! But what she actually meant to say was that.'' SGML is evil!!''

And that dear readers is very true! For SGML you need two lifetimes!! Hahaha!

With respectful dedication to all the Professors who are attempting to teach SGML!!

Good Night & God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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