
Headline, Feb18, 2013



The crucial confluence of commercial priorities and technical possibilities is reconfiguring the information space of modern society into becoming a coliseum of colorful entertainments and anesthetizing distraction: it is creating a psychically disconnected commonwealth in which modest civic experiments are nearly always drowned.

Take the case of this much touted and pimped word Data. In conceptual thoughts, Data is supposed to be the Authoritative alternative to selective anecdotal alternative. Data shows you what happened but NOT and Never why? It will tell you precious little about rogues who make terrible things happen and why they behaved the way they did? But boy O boy, you will soon have software that recognizes ''emotions''. And you will soon have ''Artificial Intelligence'' in Social Media Marketing. And should we go, ever, Quantum=Quantum'' we could capture ''Neural'' thoughts!! Dear O dear!!

George Keenan, a worthy US diplomat, honored for creating the Cold War Policy of Soviet containment sums up truthfully and intelligently: ''abandonment by our government of much of the process of public communication, in Education as in Entertainment, to the good graces of the advertisers, to people, that is, who have no public commitment, educational, intellectual, aesthetic or otherwise!!'''
True, true, Sir!!

All of world trade is increasingly guided by false freedom and destructive cybernetic connections. The dehumanized and deceptively neutral language of free flows  -that which addresses the superficial content of business environments in isolation from the context of life. It is reorganizing the world in ways that are profoundly undermining the vitality and diversity of the world's cultural pool.

Krzysztof Kieslowski was a highly celebrated Film Maker. His untimely death in 1996 was a terrible loss. His main preoccupation during the last part of his life was the dangers posed by the so called ''economic freedom''.It threatened the continued existence of independent thinkers and talented artists worldwide. Powerfully projected by informational tools, it could and did give rise to form of market authoritarianism in which free speech and people themselves are destroyed.

The world and the beat goes on!! 

Respectful and loving dedication to a mighty Khan!! The great Student Shazaib Khan. What's up on Java, lad??

Respectful dedication to this great great Teacher of many many computer languages: Dr Deitel & Deitel. Of course the younger lads too!!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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