
Headline Feb17, 2013


The counter-argument, though, is that notices such as these actually create legions of Mrs Shergars, creatures incapable of doing the right thing unless someone has told them via an official notice pinned to a wall or an aural announcement from a Tannoy precisely what the right thing is. In other words,  ...''' these are people liberated from the need to apply thought or conscience to their public actions'''.

THIS NOTICE is catching on academia - the idea that we are told too much and left to think too little. There's a village in East Anglia where, in an attempt to reduce motor accidents, they've actually removed all the signs urging drivers to slow down, drive carefully etc. And indeed accidents have reduced. Drivers suddenly came upon built up areas and, without a glance, did that strange, unfamiliar thing  -they thought for themselves.

A similar scheme operates at a busy road junction in Denmark, where they have gone even further and removed all the road markings, traffic lights and speed restrictions. As a result, drivers, for their own safety, proceed at a very slow pace indeed. There are very few accidents.

But maybe I'm giving horse-face too much credit and her lack of concern and her sociopathy was a genetic thing after all, not inculcated by too regulated a society!!??

Respectful and loving dedication to all the students of Canada. THE BEST MUSIC IN THE WORLD,  always comes from Canada!! Great Mystery that!!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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