
Horse-wary Britons spurning ready-meals, all meat: poll

AFP - A poll out Sunday found that almost a third of adults in Britain have stopped eating ready-meals as a result of the horsemeat scandal, while seven percent have stopped eating meat altogether.

The ComRes survey, for the Sunday Mirror and The Independent on Sunday newspapers, found that 31 percent have given up eating ready-meals as the discovery of horse flesh in products labelled beef spreads across Europe.

The poll also found a 53 percent to 33 percent majority in favour of banning the import of all meat products "until we can be sure of their origin".

Some 44 percent agreed that the British government had responded well to the crisis, while 30 percent disagreed.

ComRes interviewed 2,002 adults online on Wednesday and Thursday.

Twenty-nine beef products out of 2,501 tested in Britain have been found to contain more than one percent horsemeat, its Food Standards Agency (FSA) said on Friday.


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