
Headline, March05, 2013



Ted Hannaford has stitched almost 10 miles of continuous French Knitting  -that is the equivalent of going up Mount Everest and almost back down again. Ted, of Kent, used to knit at least 20ft  every day and keeps a computer record of his progress. He started French Knitting over a decade ago to use up remnants of wool after his wife Rita, an avid knitter, injured an arm in an accident.
Ted says : ''Too much knitting makes my eyes ache. I don't use black wool. Its too difficult to see. If I ever feel like giving up, I think of a chap in Australia  who's my nearest rival, two miles behind, and I knit faster.''

Peter Dowdeswell can eat 2lbs of strawberries in 12.95 seconds. Peter a market trader from Northamptonshire, is also the world's fastest eater of a three-course meal, consuming a pint of oxtail soup, 1lb mashed potatoes, a half-pound tin of baked beans and sausages, and 50 prunes in 43 seconds. Peter weighs 15 and a half stone no matter how much he eats.
''I just throw the food down like it's on a conveyor belt. Breaking records is a different to a normal meal. I'm actually one of the slowest eaters at meal time,'' he says. Hahahaha!

Garry Turner can pin 133 clothes pegs to his face. Garry, a part time farmer from Lincolnshire, says : ''I had heard about the record and, when I was getting the washing in off the line, I started pinning pegs to my face to see how many fitted on.'' Garry attaches the pegs first to his chin, then around the edge of his entire face like a lion's mane. ''The delicate areas on the cheeks and around the eyes hurt the most. But it's a great party trick and the looks on the people's face are worth the pain.''

Tony Mattia from Brighton, has 1125 different Barbies. He buys them from car boot sales, and his best find is a 1962 model, bought for £1 and now worth more than £200, but he is still looking for an original 1959 model. Tony, who is profoundly deaf, bought his first Barbie with his first wage packet. ''My parents bought me an Action Man, but I dressed him up in Barbie clothes. My sisters had Barbies and I suppose I wanted to be like them.''

Ken Edwards can eat 36 medium sized live cockroaches in one minute. He insists that 4 centimetre long hissing Madagascan cockroaches taste so bad that you can't eat them too early in the day. Once I was asked to eat them live on TV at 6am and the thought of that made even my tummy turn. Ken, a retired pest controller from Derbyshire, has had his teeth capped to look like fangs and now amuses audiences with his extraordinary eating habits, which includes lit cigarettes.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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