The American College of Sports Medicine sets the industry standards in health and fitness. In all their public awareness campaigns they encourage people to engage in 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week. And you don't have to take the exercise in a continuous period. You can have 10 minutes here, and 5 minutes there, basically to increase the number of calories you burn off each day. So -it doesn't have to be hard, and you don't to make a massive time commitment.
1. But make an informed choice about what to do. For having recognised the need for change, you now get into the planning stage.There's a movement towards GP prescription schemes. Avoid that. Make yourself a menu of activities, comprising anything you think can either do or will enjoy. So apply this reasoning to choosing a health club, sports facility, or activity.
2.Set yourself realistic, achievable, flexible goals. Many people set themselves bad goals and this is the reason they fail. Ask yourself if your determination to succeed is greater than your fear of failure. If you are the kind of person who sees a problem where there's a challenge or a pratfall instead of an opportunity, the chances are that you'll set yourself either a very difficult or a very easy goal, then use the experience to justify your failure or to devalue the achievement. Winners have a high degree of motivation. What motivates you?
3.Don't let anyone else tell you how fit you should be. People don't need to be told to change. If a so called ''expert' tells you to take more exercise or stop smoking, you won't do it. No one appreciates being bossed about, and your respective agendas will almost certainly be different. Coughing up in the morning is a better motivation to quit smoking. Determine what your own core beliefs are. The more you think and discuss what they might be, the better able you will become at making a change that sticks.
4.Give yourself reasons for training apart from getting ''fit''. So, what does getting fit mean? Hillsdon, an expert on the subject answers: ''An exercise physiologist can get your aerobic capacity up and make you lose a stone in a month but you'll feel bad and look bad. Do you want fitness or the advantages fitness brings? Give yourself other reasons for going to a gym. Think something enjoyable and pleasant. If you're out of shape, the chances are ''that you may have forgotten what it's like to look better, feel better and make new and great friends.''
5. Don't be hard on yourself if you lapse. No will ever judge you as harshly as you judge yourself. All of you need to acquire new skills to help you maintain a new life style. Regular activity involves a complex programme of behaviours: turning up on time, fitting it in, being more assertive. Nobody gets it all right every time.Learn from every experience. Having lapses will also give you the means to predict their happening in the future, and so take avoiding action.
Don't miss the next part of this delightful post on 'Great Resolutions''. So, with respectful dedication to all the Students of the world battling to exercise regularly and determined to change to better habits.
Good Night & God Bless!
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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