
Headline, March11, 2013


Just for a moment think : Hot Buttered Toast  -and immediately conjures up a picture of warmth and comfort.

Indeed, according to legend, when the Duke of Wellington landed at Dover after six years absence from England during the Napoleonic Wars, the first order he gave at the Ship Inn was for an unlimited supply of buttered toast.

Butter was discovered by mistake. Nomadic Tribesmen in Tibet would carry their Yak's milk in a leather container on their backs over miles of rough terrain, which had the same effect as churning. Modern Technology has made this method of Butter production obsolete.

Butter is rich and sumptuous. Those in the supposed know have tried to persuade us to cut down our consumption or substitute some ghastly alternative, but unless its good Olive Oil, there is nothing you can use instead if you want your grub to taste of anything pleasant.

If you are going to cook with Butter, nearly all professional chefs would strongly suggest you clarify it first. This gets rid of impurities and is done by warming the butter over a low heat. As it melts, it will start to produce a scum which will rise to the top. Skim it off as you go. It all takes about 10 minutes. Finish by passing the liquid through a fine sieve or muslin cloth.

Naturally, the better the Butter, the lesser impurities there will be. Clarifying will give you a cleaner flavor and allow the Butter to reach a higher temperature without burning, thus ensuring that what you are cooking won't be soggy.

The French, of course, have perfected the butter sauce. For those and other Butter sauce recipes, Elizabeth David's French Provincial Cooking is a master book. And to preserve meat and fish prior to refrigeration, the British came up with the splendid notion of potting in Butter.

To be honest, the thought of living without Butter is abhorrent. No pastries. No risottos worth eating. And your energies would suffer. So one sincere advise to you all is, it's time to spread the word. No ifs and buts, its got to be this delightful life giving Butter.
For me, well, Danish Butter is simply out of this world

With respectful and delightful dedication to All Things Great And Small : Mother Nature!!.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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