
Headline, March12, 2013


Hardly anybody seems to have heard of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, two tiny beguiling equatorial islands 200 miles off the coast of Gabon, on the West African coast, and one of the smallest countries in the world!!

They may not be the easiest islands in the world to get to, but they are a destination well worth considering. At the remote resort of Bom Bom on Principe, 90 miles away, you will delight to snack up on Barracuda, scuba diving, and big game fishing, gorgeous sunsets and foaming turquoise surf. Banana beach round the corner from Bom Bom is plainly, heaven.

Bom Bom means Good! Good! in Portuguese. And this enchanted country is lined with bamboo-lined huts on the fringes of biscuit-gold sands, banana palms and volcanoes nudging through the clouds. And should you tire of achingly beautiful sunsets, wild flowers and a heat that almost mugs you, there's always the ocean. It tilts with oca wood canoes bringing in flying fish, whaoo and marlin.

On Sao Tome you can also visit the falls above Monte Cafe where a thundering cascade of water gasps out of the jungle, drive up to the Rocas, the eerie plantation houses, or wander around Sao Tome town's scrubby market, dusty artisan shops and its forgotten museum housed in the Old Fort on the harbour front.

The Sao Tomeans today are an extraordinarily varied mix of African and Creole peoples with a smattering of Russian and Chinese emigres and, more recently, Filipinos and Pakistanis,  -a workforce brought in by foreign construction companies. Yes, the islands certainly need rebuilding, as the infrastructure of colonialism has decayed into peeling.

But things seem to be taking off in the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe; tourism is picking up at a great pace in this primeval paradise.
What development and affluence will bring for the long imposed-upon islanders waits across the deep waters of the Atlantic.

With respectful dedication : We all look forward to welcome all the Students and Professors. See you all on !WOW!   

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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