
Headline, March17, 2013


At the University of Sussex, -not so long ago- a team of brilliant scientists  developed a system called SQUID  -Superconducting Quantum Interference Device. This is in fact, a ring of metal about as big as your fingernail that behave like a single particle.
Among its many curious properties, this means that if one side of the ring is interfered with, the other side knows about it and responds instantly.
It's as if Time didn't exist for signals around the ring.

This demonstration then raises a a huge, profound and a grave question. Could the whole universe be like that?!
Let's now take a look at a class experiment, performed many times. If you shoot a single sub-atomic particles such as, Electrons, through a screen that has two holes in it, how they behave on their journey depends on whether one or both of the holes in the screen is open. A terribly difficult question, therefore is, How does the electron know in advance how the screen is set up, and adjusts its behaviour accordingly??

A few theorists believe and think that the answer lies in what is called the ''transactional  interpretation'' of quantum physics. This says that a wave is sent out from the particle, travelling at the speed of light, and in effect bounces off everything else in the universe, like a radar beam. But unlike a radar beam, the ''reflected'' wave TRAVELS BACKWARD IN TIME, so that it arrives back at the particle at the instant the original wave left. The original wave and the reflected wave interact in a ''transaction'' which gives every quantum particle a picture of its surroundings   -in principle, a picture of the entire universe.
Therefore, the entire universe, according to this interpretation of quantum mechanics, is a single entity.

Of course, the die hards will never accept the transactional interpretation. But within a scientific generation, as new blood takes over, I am sure that it will become the standard way of looking at the universe. If science can find a way  -which I am sure that it will,  to tap into the transactional waves criss-crossing the universe, there will be no need for speculation about the quasars, or black-holes, or whatever. All we have to do is tune in to the appropriate waves  -and find out exactly what's going on   -on the other side of the universe.

At home, and in too distant a future everyone could one day have his own transactional interpreter and no one will need TV for instant, live-action images of what is going on anywhere in the world. And then science would have completed one more task in the service of humanity. And, and,
you could then have the ''Theory of Everything''.
Just one single equation that could describe the behaviour of every single thing in the universe. 

Only a few decades back, the world thought we had it all figured. We thought we had found the Victorian theory of everything. And then along came Einstein, relativity theory, quantum mechanics, and a whole new concepts and ball game. My timid guess is that you all are now on the brink of a many many dimensional revolution.

So, it may just be reasonable to conclude that the The Next Big Thing in Science is going to be Time Travel!
Although surely not the last word!!

With most loving and respectful dedication to the great,brave, even Heroic students of Pakistan. For them every hurdle and obstacle became a new overpowering opportunity They never flinched.
See you all lads on contributions and on !WOW! 

Remember : They live who dare!!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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