
Headline, March22, 2013


When we set about to build a better world, we compiled a list of the most gutsy and determined and the best Samurai. It seemed a relatively straightforward task.
Established seats of honor, Captains of the functions, Campaigning notables and heroes. The students voices booming from the august perches of sufferings and meaningless existence. We then added in a few wild cards and that was that.

Now, of course, it's a different world. !WOW! of course may have been the first global technological honor to truly grasp that influence was the true power.
 We made great friends and great enemies. The enemy factor is simply the flux state of resentment. Nothing more. Sam Daily Times is now on to a new terrain of !WOW!  of social networks, social media celebrities, of technology as just another branch of Reality TV, and influence that can rise and fall as quickly as New York Stock Exchange figures. That influence is 
harder to judge than ever!

In a world going on to a tumble, the great Wiki Leaks weighed in, to make things and events more comprehensible. It's easy to identify Wiki Leaks heroism and leadership. They rose above themselves and like prime ministers or chief executives, and pulled technological levers, and for the most part something happened. Or to put it another way: true power is on the defensive and more spread out than anyone would like to believe. Some years ago, for instance, few had heard of Anonymous  -now, the loosely bound group of ''hi-tech'' renegades who attacked the likes of MasterCard, Visa, PayPal in response to their refusal to process donations for Wiki Leaks, are among the most influential people in the present world, and all without knowing their names  
!WOW! salutes them all!

Influence is that subtle, stealthy sway over us that contrasts with the more naked and direct power of dollars, guns or numbers. In our shrinking, interconnected and even more uncertain world, positive influences come from all sorts of directions and are built on audacity, creativity, integrity and independence of thought.
 An influential voice speaks uncomfortable truths to even his own tribe, rather than playing to the gallery for easy applause. Influence may lie with an investigator who highlights a scandal, but equally with an independent elder charged with solving problem and restoring trust to vital institutions. Like the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

Influential is the expert who understands deliberately complex language and arrangements and uses his talent for better public translation and understanding of apparently unaccountable powers. Like Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry. this great son of the soil, and The Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Great Human and inventors remain perhaps more influential over the span of human history than great kings and warriors. They remind us of where we have been, who we are and to what we might aspire. They move us to thought, emotion and action, whether individual or collective, large or small.

On a global scale, few men in our lifetimes can have been as influential as the late great Steve Jobs. He pursued art and science, beauty and industry in a way that has changed the world forever, producing a legacy even greater than his personal fortune.

On a National Level, no country in my memory has produced as great a son as Imran Khan. All I have written above just so applies to him. In this mighty Khan, Imran Khan- Pakistan is a world leader.

With respectful and ever devouted dedication to Lawyer Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the creator of Pakistan. A human being of the highest class. His short life took away the helm!

Please honor and `display this post for two consecutive days. Make sure all the universities stand informed.

And for Heavens sake liven up content and send Sam Daily Times soaring.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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