
Headline, April05, 2013



We are talking about actual breast tissue here. All males have it. And that means that any male can get breast cancer.

If that comes as a shock, imagine what it must be like to be one of the 300 men diagnosed with the disease every year in Britain. And you have not only to deal with the disease and illness itself, but with reactions varying from disbelief to embarrassment  -even hostility. Fortunately, helping is at hand, thanks to healthtalkonline.org which has launched a new section devoted to breast cancer in men. 

The site is an invaluable database where sufferers can hear, first hand, the medical, emotional, social and psychological experiences of men who have been through a similar experience. Increased awareness of breast cancer in  men is important in fight against the disease. Male breast cancer tends to be diagnosed later, because men are less likely to go to the doctor when they detect a lump.

Time is of the essence in treating all cancers. Because men have less breast tissue, the cancer is more likely to spread to the skin, muscles and lymphatic system. Yet the myth that women only get breast cancer persists. Certainly, the vast majority -more than 99%- of sufferers are women, but a lack of publicity for its incidence in men undoubtedly costs lives.

Glasgow University's Professor Kate Hunt insists: One of the key messages for men has to be that it is legitimate to go the GP with worries about your breast or your nipple. Breast Cancer in men is rare, but it does happen.
The American drama Nip/Tuck did much to raise the profile of breast cancer in men when its central character, Dr Christian Troy, was diagnosed. Though it is to be hoped that few real-life sufferers are misdiagnosed as terminal, enter into an ill advised marriage then, given the correct diagnosis, get a divorce and marry someone else. and set up a tragedy.
Thank goodness then, for this timely info.  

With respectful dedication to all the Scientists conducting advance medical research.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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