
Nurses spend too much time chatting

U.K: Nurses spend too much time "constantly chatting" in their office space and should be brought back on to hospital wards, the Government's new patient adviser has warned.

Ann Clwyd, a Labour MP advising the Coalition, has received thousands of letter from people worried about the poor care of their relatives in NHS hospitals.
In an interview with the Independent, Mrs Clwyd said she had been told of nurses who ignored a relative because they were waiting for the end of an eBay auction.
She said the Government should consier scrapping "nursing stations" and bringing staff desks into the middle of wards.
The MP was brought in to advise the Government after she gave an emotional speech in parliament about the poor care received by her husband in an NHS hospital.
"A big thing that patients that have contacted me talk about is getting rid of nursing stations," Ms Clwyd said.

- Telegraph.co.uk


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