
University of Sussex occupiers evicted

Protesters have been evicted from the University of Sussex following an occupation which lasted nearly two months.

The university was last week granted a possession order to regain the area of Bramber House occupied by the protesters since 7 February.

About 25 protesters were evicted by bailiffs at 12:00 BST.

The occupation started over the university's decision to outsource support services.

Protester Jack Walsh said: "I think the financial cost to management we've caused has been a show of our strength, a show of the strength of the student body and a show of the strength of the people.

"I think I'd do it again."

A Sussex Police spokeswoman said four people had been arrested.

The students condemned  the eviction of students, including the use of up to 100 police, some in full riot gear, accompanied by vans, bailiffs and private security guards to remove protesters from their own campus (Report, 3 April). The eight-week occupation has been a source of inspiration for students and staff at Sussex and beyond at a time when education is under attack.


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