
Headline, May03, 2013


Rusting dreams   -painted red, blue and orange-  crowd the developing world and more so, the world of the students. This is the most depressed part of my daily existence. The developing world has always been a ''hotbed'' of talent, but in all truth, my immediate world has been the warmest spot of all. What more can I say!

The Pakistani students are well-disciplined and very hungry. They have a fire in their belly. There's just one problem  -they're distraction mad. And whether they, or the world students, wish to be reminded of it or not, the truth is, that most of them must show outstanding promise if they wish to make it as the ''chosen ones''.
The world badly needs [whizz students] and we all must do our very best to rise to the challenge.

So, first call for, Syeda Haziqa Naqvi to start getting ready for the Sam Daily Times. Let's get thinking of world class content. Let's build the primary reserves on content. Let's get out of the frenzied grouping mode. Let's settle down for professional work! Let's have some Girl wonder. Get ready to build the world's greatest Internet Newspaper. Haziqa ready when you are. 

Epochal change is difficult to grasp as it occurs. But there is a rare clarity to the historic shift that is now underway. With respect and utter delight, I quote a passage from Arianna's  article titled : Flex ur Fearlessness: 

Becoming fearless is part of our larger effort to put the spotlight on what is working in our culture rather than just on what's dysfunctional. Taken individually these stories inspire. Taken together, they testify to something larger -that in the face of multiple crises, people respond with strength, courage and resilience.

But at the end of the day, what we are doing now is what our successors are going to build the success of !WOW! and Sam Daily Times on. You have been in an honour for two years. It is my duty to ensure that you remain in honour for ever. We are not chasing any immediate results.

You have inherited a glorious history, so I need to be sure that our current history is going to be strong enough to inspire successors. Key to that is not being obsessed by the short term and to be a dealer in hope.

I believe that great leaders are dealers in hope, and it's even more relevant now when you are on a exercise which is about enjoyment, celebration and sharing. Yeah we are suffering in the world  right now. But we still have more people in work and then out of work. We still have more reasons to celebrate life than not to   -and by the way, we only have one life.

In this world that you have inherited, a world or organisers, creatives, and occasionally dreamers. learn, think and practise being strategist. You are in a exercise where planning is crucial. The honour, the solutions, the hope we need to offer in 10 years, we need to think about and work on now. So you can't be totally wrong if our progress is slow and is not looking very good. Planning and different strategies within your team and !WOW!

I believe Sam Daily Times is eternal and so is !WOW! It's because all of you are a Team Player. You must understand that if you have 15 guys pushing together at the same time in the same direction, even if they are not the strongest, they can go far. You can be stronger, or smarter or faster or bigger, but if you are alone............

Remember, remember to look upon superior planning as a Bridge to the realization of your dreams, not as an end itself. The world is moving fast and so must we. Do understand and enact that success will come to you when all -the rich and the poor-  have a share in its shaping, and that it will endure, when all  -the weak as well as the strong-  have a stake in its lasting.

Nothing is more urgent right now than a serious and compassionate debate about where you are and where you would like to go. Sam Daily Times is your great conception. With that and through that you can build the greatest organisation the world has ever known: World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless.

Let's invent things. Let's invent Dreams. Let's invent the Future.

With respectful and loving dedication to all the deprived or disabled students of the world. With a promise to help them at the peril of everything, even our lives.

Please honour this post for two consecutive days and change the symbol pictogram everyday. And use your spare time to liven up the content on the homepage.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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