
Headline, May19, 2013



Did you all at !WOW! and in the world at large know,  that over one billion people live in bamboo houses, and that over 2.5 billion people use bamboo materials and that most of India's paper is made from bamboo!!
Mizoram is turning into a major player in the world market.

It now exports to Indonesia and Japan, where sacks of bamboo charcoal are placed under floors to absorb moisture. Bamboo heated to 800 to 900 degrees F is used as a clarifying agent for sugar.
Audi,  BMW and Volvo are replacing their fiberglass dashboards with bamboo ones.
And, but....................

The latest news from the United Nations four-year, $24 million Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, conducted by 1,360 experts worldwide, is that two-thirds of the world resources are used up. Everything across the board   - water, fish, land is running out. The continued existence of up to 30 per cent of the species on earth is in question.

Frogs, honeybees, polar bears, freshwater mussels and some of our beloved songbirds are experiencing mysterious die-offs or drastic reductions in their numbers. And our population is scheduled to hit nine billion by midcentury.
Mathematically, we seem headed for catastrophe, and even extinction.

But whatever happens to us, the good hunch is that bamboo will survive. One of the world's most ancient and adaptable lifeforms, they have been around for more than 60 million years. There are about 1200 known species in this enormous family of giant woody tropical grasses, and undoubtedly hundreds more to be identified.

So its prospects of survival are promising, although some 600 species are now endangered. And the rats will not be disappearing anytime soon. Like the bamboo, they evolved millions of years before we came on the scene and are likely to remain long after we have vanished. They are always waiting in the wings, waiting for their moment, ever, ever so vigilant.

Nature will recover from what we are doing to it. The show will go on, and the mautam one suspects, will continue to come very half-century, regardless of whether people are still around to suffer its consequences. It seems to be in no immediate danger of extinction   -unlike so many other things in the world.

And the Rats will strike at night, so silently that you don't even know that they are there, and the next morning everything is gone!
Just like that! Just like that!

Lets just imagine then what mautam must be like for the rats   -to be seduced by this fruit and driven to a frenzy of mad ''procreation'' and then to have it all turned on  -''you''-  to be done in by your own appetite. Almighty God : Some way in the Ecosystem! Some way to go!! Some Design!!!

Respectful dedication to the very existence and to the very mastery of Nature and its entire Ecosystem.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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