
Headline, May20, 2013



Hidden away in California and very  -hush hush-  a team of Scientists sponsored by Microsoft's Paul Allen, are holding their breath for the arrival of ET  [Students]!
Why not?  That's the only way to bring the world together to some reasonable sanity. And then..........
!WOW! needs them badly too, in view of your anemic thinking and output!!  

Number 515 North Whisman Road in Mountain View, California, is a fairly boring, low slung modern office block on a fairly boring industrial estate. Even the name mountain view which implies some kind of visual interest, is a disappointment.

Number 515 has a parking lot, a reception desk, offices, computers, photocopiers, water coolers, a personnel department and a canteen.

And yet any day now, at a couple of hours notice, 515 N Whisman could become the scene of the most important event in human history. At least that's what the 130 people people working here fervently believe.

Bigger than anything the whole world has ever known, bigger than Hiroshima, or 9/11? I think you would have to say so, yes. If things at 515 happen as planned, you should be looking at the biggest media scrum the world has ever seen, probably along with the largest outbreak of public excitement of all time.

How else could the first definite contact with the extraterrestrials possibly be received by humankind other than by hysteria. It has to be second only to God making a personal appearance,  and there are reasons why I think that's never going to happen  -ever.

The reason 515 N Whisman could become the most famous place on the planet is that it's the HQ of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. This is where the news that  ''We Are Not Alone''  will be announced, where we will discover many things.
Welcome then to SETI Institute with Dr Seth Shostak, its brilliant  senior Astronomer.

People have been doing SETI work for nearly 50 years without locating as much as an Intelligent ''Mars bar''. Hahaha!
But no word in all that time from aliens/students. Not that this makes Dr Seth and his team despondent. 

Seth was an adviser and on contract and has been fruitlessly searching for aliens for the last 20 odd years plus. The chances of the Great Success changing and coming through are now very high, indeed.
SETI has since some years ago opened its own Radio Telescope 250 miles north of here in a village called Hat Creek.

And Dr Seti explains that the new Allen Telescope Array will speed up by several thousandfold the rate at which his team can listen out for intelligent radio broadcasts from ET.
''As of now, we have looked carefully at less than a ''thousand of our star systems,  which is nothing!! With our own Telescope,  by 2025-  I figure that will have looked at close to a million and that's the number you have to look at if you are going to find something.''

SETI , as Dr Seth explains,  is bit of backwater at the moment, at least until the Big Day, when doubtless The White House will suddenly become its very Best Friend.
But then so will the entire Planet. So will Sam Daily Times and the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless!!

I just can't fail thinking, and smiling up my sleeve, as to what kind and types of Students and Professors would be joining up on !WOW!. 
I hope they are brave, hardworking and determined to build a better Universe.

!WOW!  also hope they will be responsible, and fire up our imaginations, and have a higher level of motivation than money.

Good, Great and Splendid meanwhile : STANDS AGAINST THE WALL!

Respectful, Loving and Caring  dedication to All The Students Of Mother Planet. Sob! Sob! Sob!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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