
Headline, May26, 2013


Her name was Tatiana Andujar, and she too had troubles at home. Slim and outgoing, Tatiana was a 17 years old high school senior fighting to shake free of her parents cramped little house in the neighboring village of of Liupia, when she disappeared on the night of September 24, 1995.

The oldest of four children, Tatiana had moved that summer into an apartment with friends  - a fast crowd that her parents didn't like  -in the beach town of Port Leucate, where she waited tables at a restaurant called L'Estival. Tatiana was a very frank child, very natural, very straightforward, recalled her mother.

Just a year earlier she had been a well behaved teen who entered beauty pageants, but this year she had a devil tattooed, and  according to one account began dating a drug dealer.
Then, not long after Tatiana Andujar moved back home to begin school, her mother discovered that she had secretly taken money from a small inheritance fund.

On her way from a party, that Sunday night, Andujar took the train to Perpignan, arriving around 7:30 at the station, where she was seen by a pair  of classmates. What happened after that is totally a void. Local gendermes investigated her disappearance, but ultimately  left the case to languish, apparently believing that Andujar was a runaway.

Stories of Chaib's chilling death, accompanied by accounts of Andujar's disappearance filled the French Newspapers as the official investigation cranked into high gear in the opening days of 1998. Chaib's high school friends hit the streets, demonstrating up and down.

In the wake of these two murders, a profusion of new theories came to the surface. Without a doubt, the most intriguing involved Salvador Dali. Allusions to a Dali influence, presumably leaked by the police, began to appear sporadically in the French newspapers. A French police source involved in the ongoing investigation said that the interest in Dali was spurred by the striking confluence of victim paths at the station.

The fact that all these students believed to have disappeared in the vicinity of the adjacent Place Salvador Dali, and, most important, the nature of mutilations themselves, which can be viewed as similar to those depicted in certain Dali paintings, especially, ''The Spectre of Sex Appeal''.

It is sometimes difficult for those exposed to the cartoonish figure Dali became in later life to remember that as a young man he was one of the modern art's most important figures. 

But therein lies the problem. Dali painted so many abused and contorted nudes. It seems one can find similarities to almost any example of murder or mutilation. In one display case stands the naked torso of a woman with ears of corn wrapped around her neck, as if she had been strangled or garroted, with a baguette on her head.  

These sad posts continue for the last part. Don't miss it!

With respectful dedication to : Life's ways   -that are,  -but wind's ways.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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