
Algae's good side to nourish human skin

Recently a French laboratory showed that harnessing algae's natural goodness can keep our skin fresh. 

Lots of good stuff comes out of our blue healing seas and it's usually horribly expensive РCr̬me de la Mer, for example, and the mysterioukelp-based "Miracle Broth"The thing about algae is that although it doesn't look as though it does much, it's developed its own personal systems to protect against pollution, UV light and physical damage and we can learn from that. And algae bursts with the stuff our own skins need to do the same.

Thoughtful people at Phytomer are able to grow and farm their own algae in a controlled environment so once they have a species growing in their laboratories they no longer have to collect it from the sea. The testing is dealt with in a meticulous and thoughtful way, carried out in stages first in the laboratories on actual human skin and then going out to teams of volunteers for live testing.

Good news for green people. This approach leads to an ecologically sound, sustainable and high-quality natural product with a tiddly carbon footprint, minimal waste and a determination to preserve the local environment from which it comes. 


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